Dr. Schlegs' 31.64 gallon total build!!!!

I have taken numerous stats classes over my academic career, figuring 10% is easy. . . It's making water that is the hard part. The sucker is still cloudy. I need to look into getting some more filter material for the short run.

Smiley;233659 said:
Ya no ****.... wait til he has to figure out 10% for water changes.

Sent from my C771
Smiley;233726 said:
just wait it out.. turn on your skimmer, it will clear up.
Skimmer? This thing doesn't have a skimmer. It has a overflow that goes to a carbon filter over some live rock and than over to the bilage room where it is pumped out. I dropped a 300wat heater in the bad boy last night before bed and it is clear today. I suspect the salt was not completely dissolved in my hast to fill the tank. I will take some of the water out later tonight and do some aquascaping. I need to get a power strip as well to help manage all the power cords.

The Tank came with two build in cooling fans, which leads me to believe these nanos have no issues staying warm. Do I need to get a heater for the tank?


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Re: Dr. Schlegs' 31.64 gallon total build!!!!

Still need a heater cuz they cool off real fast.

Sent from my C771

CRW Reef

Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
Re: Dr. Schlegs' 31.64 gallon total build!!!!

How is the tank doing doc? Long time no see hope all is well!
The tank is doing well. I have been busy with work, and a vehicle project. The tank has two clowns, diamond goby, cleaner shrimp, and a cowrie. I need to snap some new photos of the tank, but I am excited to anounce I have replaced the filter.