I bought a rainbow carpet, saw it in person in the tank it came from and now in my tank its not a rainbow, mostly just green. My buddy bought a sunburst and now it looks like a rainbow. Is this the sellers fault or the person who spent $300 for something that everyone knows morphs under all sorts of conditions. I'm not saying he didn't bait and switch you at all, but with things that morph its hard to pin the blame on either party. I have never bought corals online and like going to coral expressions, Reefkoi, aquatic art, etc because I can see it in person. Sorry you got the short straw on this deal and hope that PayPal sides with you since it was obviously not WYSIWYG like advertised. Did you file a claim with eBay or was it straight from his site and just PayPal? I filed plenty of claims for other things as not as advertised and have always won but not on corals.