Favorite "Low End" Corals

One of my favorite cheapies are Duncan's.
I picked up a 6 head duncan for 40 bucks about a month ago and it already has 2 baby heads popping off a polyp.

The grey-green-cobalt-purple color is amazing in the whites/daylight and during night/the blues it looks even crazier. Also those little tentacles in the flow are sooooo fun to watch get flopped around.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I picked up a 6 head duncan for 40 bucks about a month ago and it already has 2 baby heads popping off a polyp.

The grey-green-cobalt-purple color is amazing in the whites/daylight and during night/the blues it looks even crazier. Also those little tentacles in the flow are sooooo fun to watch get flopped around.[/.

that’s awesome! They are easy to feed too and for me grew even faster


M.A.S.C Club Member
One of my favorites was a blue (or purple depending on lighting) sponge. It was photosynthetic and was really hearty. I’m planning on having a couple large angels in the next tank so I may have to keep an extra in the fuge or something if they go after the one in the dt.

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I’ve seen it around on the forum here.
I've also picked up a couple of montis for 10-20 bucks that are a crazy pop of a pink/orange and blue/greens. It's fun to watch them encrust over things and their little polyp hands extend.