First Build; 120g


M.A.S.C Club Member
Finally going on my 120g build. Had to first mudjack the lower level of my house to get level with out foundation, then decided to take out the carpet where the tank is going (as next year i would like to get new carpet in the whole house and would prefer not to have to move the tank to do so), and laid new tile in it's place.
View attachment 14512


M.A.S.C Club Member
Any Loveland/NoCo area members that have experience setting up an Apex Controller at may want to come by and show me the ropes?


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Seth seems to be pretty good at working them, send him a pm. lives between foco and loveland.


M.A.S.C Club Member
[attachment=64728:name]Tank is in place, plumbing is placed (un-glued). Time for a small water test, hoping the pump I have can manage the job, on paper it should.


Hammerhead Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Chuzzler;254427 said:
I would greatly appreciate some help with it, I have no idea what I am doing with it.
Just let me know when you have a night your free. I can help you out with it.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Build Update

Pump test went well, ready to seal the joints. Also been working on a custom hood designed to match the paneled look of the stand. Plan is to build the AI C-Channel rack into it for the 3 SOLs. Going with a modular setup so I can easily increase or decrease the height of the lights above the water.



M.A.S.C Club Member
Andrew_bram;254996 said:
Looking good do you need any help.
I could probably use some advise/help. I have a bio pellet reactor and a Kalk Reactor that I am not too confident in how I am planning to hook them up. Also hoping to get Seth over when I am ready to help with the Apex controller.


Great White Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
depending on what your apex can do I'd have seth help you program it to control ph and have it turn on a pump to feed the kalk when the ph gets below say 8.0 or so. then off when it rises. Or, use your ato to feed the kalk reactor. The only problem with the 2nd option is that your evap. may fluctuate through the year.

The bio pellet reactor needs to be churning big time but the output should be slow. Can you recirculate in it? Also, do you have a good test kit? You'll want one before running it, so you can tune in the effluent to match your system needs.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Ready for water, rock, sand....

I finished building a custom hood that matches the stand, and built in c-channels to hold 3 AI SOLs. Plumbing is all glued and will start to fill the 40g sump and 30g fuge this weekend. Live sand should be here on Monday or Tuesday, have some base rock to put down first this weekend in preparation.[attachment=64800:name]

Tank is 70% full, started adding rock and scaping, more rock to be added to the base, and live sand shipment came today. Will be adding sand then filling tomorrow night.



M.A.S.C Club Member
Tank is Filled and starting to cycle!

Tank is now full, got some live sand , and most of the base rock in, and starting building up the scape a bit.



Great White Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Looks good! Love the corner overflow, much better than the dual center for the aqua scape possibilities.

Do you have a sump? I'd put the heater in it rather than the display. You may want to get at it in the future. Plus it'll clean up the look of the tank.