Free Frags: Zoas, montis, acans, blastos, chalices. Lots of good sized frags.

Located in Lone Tree.

I'm planning on moving in a few months and want to clear out the corals that I have multiple extra frags of in my frag tank. A lot of them are nice chunky frags or mini-colonies. Some others had fallen off the frag rack or weren't happy when my nutrients bottomed out a while ago, but they are bouncing back and just need a little more time to get the rest of their color back. All are reasonably priced at $0. If they grow well for you, pay it forward to another member.

I have a few containers and bags, but I don't know if I have enough for everything. So if you think you'll want a bunch of frags, bringing your own container is appreciated (especially if you want any of the larger SPS).

Off the top of my head I have available:
Zoas: AOIs, Pikachus, Utter Chaos, Fruit Loops, Pink Diamonds, Kedds Reds, Red Hornets (multiple, one of the frags is open in the pictures and the others around it were closed up from moving things around), some others that I don't know the names of.
Montipora: Red Cap (can break off more if people want it), Sunset, Tubbs Stellata. All large 3"+ pieces. May also have a couple small frags of a few others.
Acans/micromussa: two different red morphs, one purple and green.
Chalices: 2 pieces of a green and yellow (Raja Rampage? Space Invader?), one piece of orange and blue chalice
Others: Blue leptastrea, orange leptastrea, nepthea, green birdsnest, a couple blasto frags

I'll try to get some better pictures once things open back up from moving stuff around.

^Link to pictures, hopefully it works.^

I may have a few other pieces for sale once I figure out what else I want to part with.


Cleaner Shrimp
M.A.S.C Club Member
I would love some of the Zoa's. Happy to bring extra frag cups for other members, or to help break down and move the tank when it comes to that. Would also be happy to re-gift frags when you get everything back up and running in your new place.


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Again thank you for everything that was given today. Was a long haul of a drive for us northern folk but so worth it in the end. I will tag you in my thread when things acclimate and are showing and glowing.


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Do you have any CUC’s I’ll take crabs, snails or whatever you got anything that will help with hair algae
Sea hares and sea cucumbers for the win on that. My tidepool tank was bad until i got one. They have some available at underwater wonders open 9-4 fridays and 11-4 saturdays. Its in fort collins.
You're welcome @N1tew0lf1212 and @Ryan303 hope everything grows well for you guys.

For anyone I haven't messaged yet, I haven't forgotten about you. I'm just working through the messages I've received and getting an updated list and pictures to each person.

Things are thinning out, but I think I should have at least a few pieces for everyone that has messaged or commented.