Frozen food group buy


M.A.S.C Club Member
I’m in Brighton and will be heading up to AA to get it Friday. Not sure where up north everyone’s talking about. I’m NE lol


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Pick up at your house angel. Hopefully sunday afternoon works for you otherwise monday for me. Id pick up and get it closer for the northern guys but my schedule has been stupid busy lately and im very limited in my time to meet people.
Gotcha, and I should be around

Angel, if you can grab mine that would be great. I’ll figure out a time to get it from you.
Sure thing


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Also, dont forget the prize drawing packs and t-shirts ;) Balz and Irishman both ordered enough packs to receive the AA t-shirt. You will need to talk to Cris for sizes and such.

For the drawing prizes I assigned every person a number based on their order. 1 full pack got 1 number, nanos had to have 2 to counts as 1.
Tomorrow when I pick up I will do the drawing there so we have witnesses, and all that. I will use a random number gen and just pull the first 3 numbers

Here's the list of drawing numbers.
View attachment 10814

Note that one person backed out of the order, and I didnt re-do the numbers, because I'm lazy mostly. But in the event any of his numbers are picked, we will redraw
Also, dont forget the prize drawing packs and t-shirts ;) Balz and Irishman both ordered enough packs to receive the AA t-shirt. You will need to talk to Cris for sizes and such.

For the drawing prizes I assigned every person a number based on their order. 1 full pack got 1 number, nanos had to have 2 to counts as 1.
Tomorrow when I pick up I will do the drawing there so we have witnesses, and all that. I will use a random number gen and just pull the first 3 numbers

Here's the list of drawing numbers.
View attachment 10814

Note that one person backed out of the order, and I didnt re-do the numbers, because I'm lazy mostly. But in the event any of his numbers are picked, we will redraw
What time do you expect to be there Syn?


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Depends on work but planning around 3 or so


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I’ll try and plan accordingly. If I have to go earlier can I still pick up mine
Ya you can, you just wont be there for the drawing, and you can pick that up later if you have to ;)


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If I havent heard from you by tomorrow afternoon, you will need to pick up at AA, so if you want to pick up at my place let me know asap