FS 90 gallon full reef set-up

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Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
90 gallon aga $100
Reef Octopus 125 skimmer without pump $125
48" metal halide fixture. 2 x 250 watt $100
20 long sump $20
38 gallon sump with hang on overflow $50

$350 takes it all with a free stand.

72" power compact fixture $100
30 gallon acrylic sump $40

Call at 303-908-6156

Michael Rice
Marine Engineers Aquarium Blog
Sent from Tapatalk so excuse my poor English


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I'll have pics up this afternoon.

Michael Rice
Marine Engineers Aquarium Blog
Sent from Tapatalk so excuse my poor English


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
kmellon;128206 said:
Michael, what is the stack of white containers in the background of the light pickture.
A common view of a hobbyists garage lol. All water containers.

Michael Rice
Marine Engineers Aquarium Blog
Sent from Tapatalk so excuse my poor English


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Sorry about the delay. Here's the stand.

Michael Rice
Marine Engineers Aquarium Blog
Sent from Tapatalk so excuse my poor English
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