Getting Out

Hey everyone, its been a long time since I have been on here, just to busy with work. With that I need to get out of the hobby. I will be selling off just about everything I have. I will get pictures and some prices shortly. But I thought I would start off with a list of what I have, feel free to shoot me a fair offer.

Large hammer head coral
10 head Duncan coral
Large rock covered with water melon zoa 150ish heads
Large purple mushrooms
90 gal sump, drilled on the side with bulkhead
24"X24" frag tank - drilled in the bottom
2 Ocellaris clowns
1 pajama cardinal
1 cleaner shrimp
150 watt metal halide pendent, needs new bulb
2 Reeflo pumps, one is a barracuda, I will need to check the other
1 large ASM protein skimmer, need to check the model

I have a lot more to go, I will get details and pictures up as soon as I can. Please feel free to send me offers or ask questions. I will be spending this weekend taking down and cleaning all equipment.
All Pm's responded to.
Static Reef, Neogenix got in first on the sump and frag tank, you are next in line if he does not take it.
Sorry for the delay everyone, had an emergency at work. I am spending all day today cleaning and posting pictures. I will also be updating with additional equipment and getting back to everyone.