
Hello my name is Trevor I just moved here from St. Louis a couple months ago. Starting over with my salt tank. Its a 10 gallon with 12 lbs live rock, 2 bulb zoo med t5, 2 aquaclear 20's, and a koralia nano. Its a barebottom currently with some kenya trees, 1 blue mushroom, some gsp, an unknown anenome or a ricordia its too small to tell its in my avatar and some apistasia. Oh and I have a little Chaeto in there to.

Thanks. No pics right now until I can find the battery charger for the camera. :(

Wicked Color

Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Hello, and welcome!!, The little anemone is called a pseudocorynactis, commonly called a glass, strawberry, or orange ball anemone (depending on coloration), they prefer dark places, never get bigger than a nickle, and can be extremely beautiful in some cases.


M.A.S.C Club Member
welcome to the club trevor! ....we have alot of great sponsors here in town that include both LFS and coral vendors ...check 'em out!

Wicked Demon;130810 said:
Hello, and welcome!!, The little anemone is called a corynactis, commonly called a glass, strawberry, or orange ball anemone (depending on coloration), they prefer dark places, never get bigger than a nickle, and can be extremely beautiful in same cases.
he means apstasia ....google it


M.A.S.C Club Member
Wicked Demon;130824 said:
One mans trash.....I like em, they never get out of control.
lucky you ...i used to have none now i have about 20 of them ugly lil buggers