Help - Do I have flukes?


M.A.S.C Club Member
I have been treating my fish in Hyposalinity, due to what I thought was Ich and near-death for my Porc Puffer. He seemed to bounce back, but not to 100%.

I have many other fish that are showing signs of an external pathogen. It


Clown Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Hey Dave - Seems like we may be going through something similar. I wish I had an answer for you. Let me know how your treatment goes. I've heard so many opinions on ich/parasites it's kind of confusing on how to treat it! Have you tried Quick Cure by chance for the fish? Right now I'm just leaving the main tank fallow not doing anything to do it.......yet. I was actually going to break it down and start over maybe down grade and just keep the 4 fish I have (if they make it in QT)


M.A.S.C Club Member
Thanks Naomi! I'm 99.99% positive this isn't a protozoan (ich/brook etc) based on research that hypo should kill such. Hypo doesn't work for worms. So I'm left to conclude that is all it could be, but there isn't much authoritative on the net about these. There are some good threads out there though.

Anyway, per WWM the chance of a worm that attacks multiple species of fishes is very low, so I don't know if this could be the explanation. Anyone else have thoughts?


M.A.S.C Club Member
Thanks Jaime. Had never heard of or seen anything about isopods, so just did a ton of

So that does explain something I found on a piece of Caribbean LR that I believe my puffer ate a while back. Good thing he did, looks like they can be nasty.

But I looked close again at the spots and I don't think that is what they are. The don't look like little crustaceans or pill bugs. I'll try to get better pics of them and maybe just give it time before Prazi, looks like things might be clearing up.