Houdini fish..


M.A.S.C Club Member
So i pick up my 5 cleaner goby from aa yesterday. ..I put them in my tank and started to work on my client for about an hour then when I came to check out my new fishes they r nowhere to be found ...The only time I saw them was when I release them in the tank and they went to go hide right away...I tried to feed the tank so they can come out but they don't... they're just gone ...I search high and low ...this sucks.... Can anyone explain this. ... how can all 5 be gone


Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Mine were actually small enough that they could fit through the teeth on my overflow. They lived in there till they got too fat to make it in and out.


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
I got some cleaner fish from AA too and same thing. Just give them a few days while the get used to their new environment. They will start to come out eventually. I got a Yasha goby last week and didn't see home for about 4 days. Then I spotted him out at night. Even my 3.5" Dottyback is tough to find at times. The cleaners are so small that they can fit just about any where. They are cool looking though :)


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
Found one in my sump this morning before leaving for work. I will have to throw him back in the display tonight. Crazy little buggers!


Hammerhead Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Shaunv;328484 said:
Found one in my sump this morning before leaving for work. I will have to throw him back in the display tonight. Crazy little buggers!

Fish love white water rafting too :p