How about an 800 gallon acrylic tank?

Pisces II;118553 said:
I bet you could donate it to the Denver aquarium and write it off on your taxes. Just like people do with the cars.
That's kind of a neat idea, actually. Unlike a lot of us home hobbyists, though, I suspect they need specific-sized tanks to fit in their specific-sized exhibits. I may give them a call, though..
Okay, I'm pretty eager to get this thing going. And it's a nontrivial endeavor to move it, plus whoever does will need a team of strong people and a big truck to do it, so the price is clearly too high. How about $2,000 OBO? Someone make me a deal; I'm flexible and semi-desperate. :)
Yeah, it's probably worth it in scrap acrylic alone. If no one is interested, I will end up cutting it up into pieces and selling those, I suppose. That would be a travesty!


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M.A.S.C Club Member
Wish I hadn't just finished the 240gal. Plus I don't think I have the room for it. I assume this comes with everything, sump, reactors, pumps, etc? Either way its a steal, I paid almost that for the new tank.
HOLY MOLY, if it did come with everything to run it, that would be such a steal that it is probably illegal... somewhere.
that0neguy1126;119576 said:
Wish I hadn't just finished the 240gal. Plus I don't think I have the room for it. I assume this comes with everything, sump, reactors, pumps, etc? Either way its a steal, I paid almost that for the new tank.
Many of the supporting accessories have been sold off or will be. There is still a very sweet, big rimless sump that I think would be useful on any larger system that I will list and sell separately. (It cost about $2k new, I think.) Alternatively, I'd make someone who bought the tank a very good deal to just take it.

Yeah, I didn't list some of the other stuff. There is a custom steel stand that comes with the tank. It is coated with rubber so it will withstand a fishroom. I also have a custom ceiling-mounted, rolling light rack that includes 6 halides, LEDs, etc. I'd be happy to get it all in the hands of one future owner, just since the stuff is pretty nicely customized for each other.

I also have several huge boxes of plumbing parts, valves, etc. A number of large pumps unopened still in boxes (you have to have backups for everything in the event of a failure when a tank this large is running). Some other stuff like phosphate colorimeter, etc, etc.

I am trying to take care of the big stuff first, but I will be trickling on the other items on this forum over time. OR, you can come buy my tank and I will let you "pilfer" the rest of the supply for anything else that catches your eye, at a good discount. :)


brent ward;119574 said:
You should get it. Make an awesome frag tank. :)
I see how it is, your frag tank is bigger than mine so you make fun of me. It's not the size it's the quality in it baby!
Okay, ReeFlo Dart, new-in-box, $110. (New was $230.) I used two of these as my main circulation pumps and they worked great for years. Quiet, lots of flow, not too expensive for what you get.

If you take this one, you can have the one remaining in my system (now has quite a bit of rust and salt on it) for free for parts.


M.A.S.C Club Member
excellent prices

bbrantley;119659 said:
Sorry, I misspoke. It is the Low Range Photometer, shown here

I'll sell this one for half off, or $90. I'll also throw in a box with 50 or 75 test packets of reagent.
is this different than the hanna phosphate checker other than size? ....sorry i looked at the specs and i cant tell
dv3;119669 said:
excellent prices

is this different than the hanna phosphate checker other than size? ....sorry i looked at the specs and i cant tell
I think so, but I cannot tell myself. I tried to do some reading on RC, but I got lost in the details and ran out of time. I know the checker is a colorimeter and this one is a photometer. I have no idea what the difference is, otherwise, though.