that0neguy1126;119576 said:
Wish I hadn't just finished the 240gal. Plus I don't think I have the room for it. I assume this comes with everything, sump, reactors, pumps, etc? Either way its a steal, I paid almost that for the new tank.
Many of the supporting accessories have been sold off or will be. There is still a very sweet, big rimless sump that I think would be useful on any larger system that I will list and sell separately. (It cost about $2k new, I think.) Alternatively, I'd make someone who bought the tank a very good deal to just take it.
Yeah, I didn't list some of the other stuff. There is a custom steel stand that comes with the tank. It is coated with rubber so it will withstand a fishroom. I also have a custom ceiling-mounted, rolling light rack that includes 6 halides, LEDs, etc. I'd be happy to get it all in the hands of one future owner, just since the stuff is pretty nicely customized for each other.
I also have several huge boxes of plumbing parts, valves, etc. A number of large pumps unopened still in boxes (you have to have backups for everything in the event of a failure when a tank this large is running). Some other stuff like phosphate colorimeter, etc, etc.
I am trying to take care of the big stuff first, but I will be trickling on the other items on this forum over time. OR, you can come buy my tank and I will let you "pilfer" the rest of the supply for anything else that catches your eye, at a good discount.