How come?


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
How is it that we have all these members that come in ghosting everything post wise but snagging stuff out of no where. Jw.....lets get some more involvement going on from everyone. Your here had a profile for over a year say something on this post and lets get an actual head count of people that are actively participating. I love this community and the people I have been able to meet are amazing.

So how do we get more people invloved in the stuff going on besides sniping in to grab free stuff? Just wondering. What is it that you snipers need to be more involved jw?

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Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Definitely will be using this post for all future sales and dbtc thats for sure. It would be like a member priority list all members that comment and actively participate will have first dibs.

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Staff member
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Although frankly lurkers and snipers are just part of forums really. Some people just don't have the desire to engage in the convos and prefer to remain on the sidelines watching. Facebook and other social sites arent that much different in that regard. There always going to be more people sitting by and watching while the few vocal ones make all the noise


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I think it’s definitely an iceberg situation, all of us vocal/active members are the parts you see above water…..but the bulk of the community likes it underwater in the cold and dark.
I lurk because even though I’ve had saltwater for 15 years, I’ve never truly felt successful at it. Tank never looks good enough that I want to post anything up or provide knowledge.


Cleaner Shrimp
M.A.S.C Club Member
I don't think asking members to actively participate here vs elsewhere is conducive to a large cohesive group the way it probably seems it does. People are active in different ways and as far as discussions go I imagine a 5 word thread and a discussion about UV probably doesn't interest most reefers.

That, plus we don't know if people enjoy speaking with others in general. I can understand the frustration with corals being sniped, but frankly I would imagine 99% of everyone here would be happy saving you a piece of something if you spoke up and voiced that you want some. We all know we are getting coral for a deal, so it makes sense to spread the coral as much as possible than to suggest we can't share among each other.

My biggest problem is with people turning around and selling frags of something before they even allow the coral to establish in their tank. If I wanted someone to sell the frags I give them, I would have done it myself.

It hasn't happened to me yet, but to be frank, I also don't see the purpose of dbtc/banking if people are going to complain about frag sizes or shape.


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
I lurk because even though I’ve had saltwater for 15 years, I’ve never truly felt successful at it. Tank never looks good enough that I want to post anything up or provide knowledge.
Tbh even qhen feeling that way when you post everyone is happy to help. Throw yourself in the mix. Tbh its the only way i have been able to overcome situations sometimes im 3yrs in the hobby. But you never know im sure someone at some point has battled or is battling the same thing you are. Never hurts to be vocal about it. Hope to see more posts from you!

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Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
I don't think asking members to actively participate here vs elsewhere is conducive to a large cohesive group the way it probably seems it does. People are active in different ways and as far as discussions go I imagine a 5 word thread and a discussion about UV probably doesn't interest most reefers.

That, plus we don't know if people enjoy speaking with others in general. I can understand the frustration with corals being sniped, but frankly I would imagine 99% of everyone here would be happy saving you a piece of something if you spoke up and voiced that you want some. We all know we are getting coral for a deal, so it makes sense to spread the coral as much as possible than to suggest we can't share among each other.

My biggest problem is with people turning around and selling frags of something before they even allow the coral to establish in their tank. If I wanted someone to sell the frags I give them, I would have done it myself.

It hasn't happened to me yet, but to be frank, I also don't see the purpose of dbtc/banking if people are going to complain about frag sizes or shape.
Just looking to draw some people out who maybe participated heavily in the beginning but not so much now. Or just dont want to put themselves out there. I get it trust me sometimes it can be hard to do. Again just trying to stir the pot so to speak. Its all about people feeling comfortable in a group setting for sometimes even the quiet ones to feel ok with interacting.

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Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
in reality, i quit lurking when my life crashed.. and then my tanks crashed, and now its all coming back to me... i swear ill be more active!