How to hang a led on my 45 corner bow


Butterfly Fish
So i got my new led's from another reefer and relized 1 is plenty. My tank is a little unusual so making stuff work is a pain. here's a pic so you can get the idea. I'm not creative enough to make this work. Any ideas i would like it to look neat.Its a 12" chinese fixture.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Either a hanging kit from the ceiling, a bracket coming out from the wall, or some type of pipe hanger attached to the stand. Depends on the look you are going for.


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M.A.S.C Club Member
easiest would be a piece of conduit from home depot. Can connect it to the stand with some u brackets, have it come up and then bend at a 90 degree angle. spray paint it black or leave it unfinished imo.


M.A.S.C Club Member
yup. i made home depot do it for me with one of their manual bender tools so I didn't have to buy it. I have some pics of it on here somewhere and I know Gabe (denvercherub) did he same on his recent build.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Yep, could even have them bend it I believe. Get a 10' piece and have them bend a 90 about 3' from on end. Then you can trim to fit.


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M.A.S.C Club Member
it is and its not. lol. i measured from my floor to how high i wanted the pole to be. Then i measured how far over the tank I wanted to go. Had them bend the pole to equal height, then had them trim the end to length. I then went over and bought a rubber end from their hardware section (same thing you would slide over the end of a chair to keep it from scratching the floor) to cover the cut ends.


Hey you
M.A.S.C Club Member
phillipj2;153962 said:
Thats conduit too? looks good and not that difficult.
sorry for the late reply, it's just some pole I got out of the closet section. on straight pole then one curved corner piece. bolted it to the stand with a U shaped thing. forget the name, one on the bottom and one on the top. easy pie