Juan's RSM build


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Alright guys/gals this is my first build thread and I want this to be my perfect tank. Right now the tank is stock except the light which was upgraded to the rapidled kit and is dimable.
I would like to mod this tank as much as possible and my first problem is a leak that I need to fix in a corner ill post again with pics and question.
But here are some pictures please throw out any ideas you have or thoughts or whatever.
Let it begin!!


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Okay so there is a leak in back right hand corner. It leaks the where the power bar would be I'm hoping I can just re-silicone that corner on both sides but I know nothing so any ideas will that work? And any suggestions on what silicone I should use? Here are some pics.

The first two pics are inside the tank and the last three are from where the power bar is.


Butterfly Fish
get rid of the stock skimmer and get the tunz and the media basket from in tank. You'll like it a lot better!
In tank is also selling an upgrade to the RSM pumps that you might want to look at, lowers the pumps so
they aren't at the top of the tank and often starved of water due to evaporation (I don't have an ATO).
Wish I had the led kit in the hood of my RSM.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
2sweet;231255 said:
get rid of the stock skimmer and get the tunz and the media basket from in tank. You'll like it a lot better!
In tank is also selling an upgrade to the RSM pumps that you might want to look at, lowers the pumps so
they aren't at the top of the tank and often starved of water due to evaporation (I don't have an ATO).
Wish I had the led kit in the hood of my RSM.
Any idea where I can find those two items?
Man that sucks... Hard to say what I would do unless I actually got my eye on the tank. I'm unsure where to find black silicone. Home Depot has clear. Maybe try sealing it from the outside, since the new silicone won't like to adhere to the old stuff. Can you isolate an area where the is coming from? Maybe use a razor to carefully cut out a "region" of silicone just outside the leak zone, and then attempt to reseal. Good Luck!


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Juan's RSM build

U can get black aquarium silicone at Aquamart I'm pretty sue elite has it too. I would deffinatly scrape and resilicone it really well so you don't have to lay awake at night wondering if it should pop lol


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Okay so I have cut away all the silicone, around the corner. Tomorrow I will go buy some acetone and hopefully black silicone if not clear IDC honestly. After I do that I will fill it up with water and test it out for a few days while playing with flow and the skimmer.


Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
Re: Juan's RSM build

Use masking tape to make the edges clean. Put it around the edges of where you want the silicone to go to, get it? Kinda like outlining it. Don't wait to long to remove the tape though, you won't like what happens


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
H2O_intolerant;231759 said:
Use masking tape to make the edges clean. Put it around the edges of where you want the silicone to go to, get it? Kinda like outlining it. Don't wait to long to remove the tape though, you won't like what happens
Ya I will be doing that.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Okay Over due update. I fixed the leak it has had fresh water in it for 3 days now and no leaks. Although the bottom has a funky pattern as if its shattered but you can see the top of the glass and the pattern is clearly under it.... Idk if its condensation that got under or what but ya. Hopefully i'll sell some more corals soon so I can buy an upgraded skimmer and pumps that hang lower. Since the tank will be housing a mantis I'm going to have about a 4-5 in sand bed probably try to make it so its not completely level. And hopefully get some rock here soon as well. But here are the pics let me know what you think of the pattern and if I should be concerned.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Okay tank is running has live Copepods and some snails that came with the rock.

Ill have more rock in once I transfer everything over from my other two tanks and then they will be sold but not rushing it right now.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Thanks guys I'm pretty happy with it honestly, it's the tank I've been wanting since I started reefing and it feels so good to actually have it.

jahmic;244933 said:
Glad you got that leak fixed. Looking good
Haha funny story the leak isn't fixed it never had a leak in the bottom corner, it's in the top trim. But with the pumps lowered I can keep the water level lower so it isn't a issue.