July 2019 DTBC Meeting


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I would like to attend. @halmus is helping me on my 240g build. I have some RBTAs that are overtaking my tank so I can bring those for the swap, maybe some toadstool as well.
Those will be great for the swap. See you there!

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Turbo Snail
M.A.S.C Club Member
First time hopeful attendee here. Can I submit a Saddleback Butterfly as my contribution? I don't have any corals in my tank yet to donate. Full disclosure: he was going after my frogspawn. He's healthy, in an ich free tank. He went through a formalin bath, methylene blue bath, and prazipro during the tank transfer quarantine period. He's been in my tank with good behavior since Sept 2018. It's just that now I want to go full reef, with lots of softies.


Turbo Snail
M.A.S.C Club Member
If I can't use the Saddleback as a DBTC entry, then PM me if interested. I'd like to get rid of him at the swap. Preferably I'd look for $15 or, first choice, a frogspawn (I knocked my into a crevasse in my rocks) or green polyp toadstool, but am open to other offers. I'm pretty much looking for some stronger beginner corals. Probably softies to start. The only thing I have in my tank now is a small RBTA. No xenia or kenya trees please; I had them overrun my old tank.


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First time hopeful attendee here. Can I submit a Saddleback Butterfly as my contribution? I don't have any corals in my tank yet to donate. Full disclosure: he was going after my frogspawn. He's healthy, in an ich free tank. He went through a formalin bath, methylene blue bath, and prazipro during the tank transfer quarantine period. He's been in my tank with good behavior since Sept 2018. It's just that now I want to go full reef, with lots of softies.
Ya, I don't think that would make a good dbtc item, but I am sure some member will buy or trade for him. You should put up a post for him.

You are still welcome to attend the meeting though. If you dont have frags, thats okay, you'll likely leave with a few though ;) No one ever leaves empty handed


Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Dang...didn't know this was today. Anyone from Westminster/Thornton going? Can make it but maybe can participate remotely.


Turbo Snail
M.A.S.C Club Member
New member here, first time meeting attendee. I don't have anything to bring for coral, but I will be stopping by and bringing food/beverage. Looking forward to meeting everyone, I was pretty active in my prior club (Connecticut Area Reef Society / CTARS) and excited to be in MASC!


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I couldn’t make it today. It sent Frags. Chris managed to grab a RBTA for me! Pretty excited and thanks to Chris and whoever brought that!

Thanks for hosting halimus!

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M.A.S.C Club Member
It’s funny how these things mostly end up just being dudes that show up.

My last club we made it a point to do a family bbq at least once, that wasn’t centered so much around reefing since the wives and kids usually have minimal interest and more just tolerate our addiction.


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It’s funny how these things mostly end up just being dudes that show up.

My last club we made it a point to do a family bbq at least once, that wasn’t centered so much around reefing since the wives and kids usually have minimal interest and more just tolerate our addiction.
Next meeting is exactly that ;) . Although there were a few wives in attendance for this. They were mostly standing in the back making fun of us though lol

Thank you @halmus for hosting, was great to see everyone too.


Turbo Snail
M.A.S.C Club Member
Thank you @halmus for letting us into your beautiful home. My fiance agreed to allocate the space necessary in the next house to accomodate a setup of similar proportions. Glad I brought her!

Looking forward to future meetings!



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Thank you @halmus for letting us into your beautiful home. My fiance agreed to allocate the space necessary in the next house to accomodate a setup of similar proportions. Glad I brought her!

Looking forward to future meetings!

Score! She's definitely a keeper lol

Sent from my Nexus 6 using MASC mobile app


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Thanks for everyone coming out! Good to see the new faces and familiar ones as well.

Sorry my brain was running at about 1%. I’m officially back on solid food and at almost normal coffee levels. So, I’ll rejoin the land of the living soon.