Resistor across dimming circuit.
I think it has to do with the internal circuit to the driver. Remembering back to my electrical classes, you have to add a resistor across an led to reduce its current draw, it works without it one, but then the current draw is too much and burn up eventually. Likewise, with this driver. I just had another driver died on me this last weekend. Three had a resistor across it, one didn't (I was trying to run 100%). The one without the resistor died. Luckily, I had one more spare. So I added a 1 ohm resistor across this one as well.
If you have a rheostat or a potentiometer to drive the drivers, that's will be fine; but if you don't like myself, then you need a resistor.
Sorry for the late reply, for some reason, I don't get forum update email anymore when someone reply to this thread. I'll have to check my setting.
saltySamurai;102946 said:
QLE - what would the 1/2 ohm resistor do? I lost another 1 today - that makes 3 failures out of 6. It definitely wasn't heat - they were warm but were in an area that the heat could be dissipated (away from the LEDs). This one had been on 12 hours a day for 3 months. I'm running 18 LEDs in series on each of my drivers. Did we get a bad lot? I count at least 5 failures out of what, 17?
If you have a rheostat or a potentiometer to drive the drivers, that's will be fine; but if you don't like myself, then you need a resistor.
Sorry for the late reply, for some reason, I don't get forum update email anymore when someone reply to this thread. I'll have to check my setting.