LKoechle & SKoechle's 85 shallow


Cleaner Shrimp




So, I'm finally posting a build thread here. I keep one over at nano-reef since that's where I started in the hobby and have made friends there, so even thought I'm not "nano" anymore, I hang with them. lol

In 2011, I was helping my mother through her divorce and spent 3 months at home in Florida. While there, I watched that show Tanked on Animal Planet and thought to myself, "Steve [my husband, skoechle] did say he thought saltwater tanks were pretty and it would be nice to have something to watch after all this stress." So I started researching. I knew of the rumor that "saltwater is expensive" and I looked for cheaper ways to enter the hobby to make sure it was something we wanted to do. I came across and figured, "Well, if I can spend a little money and start a small tank and have it be successful then later maybe I'll invest in a big tank."

When I got home to Phoenix, Arizona, I talked to my husband and he started researching with me. Using the very helpful community at nano-reef (if you have a little tank, check them out), we started our first saltwater tank: a 20 gallon long. We had it for a year with a very territorial clown fish pair and easy corals. We sold the inhabitants when we moved to Colorado and I set up a small 4 (really 3) gallon pico. During this time I became involved in MASC and had very generous contributions from the 2013 frag swap since we had one sad little brown zoa to contribute. This tank was up for nearly a year until a very angry chalice (poor shipper) nuked the whole thing. I did continuous water changes for 48 hours, but there was no saving it. I was pregnant at the time with our son, so we decided to temporarily leave the hobby. (I was very pleased this DBTC swap to contribute more frags than I received at my first one) If you come to meetings, you have probably seen him.

In the meantime, I researched equipment for a larger tank. Coming from the nano scene, many of us don't use skimmers on tanks in the 20 gallon range or smaller. Just daily water changes.

When my son was 9 months, I persuaded my husband to let me set our 20 up again, but then we saw a sale ad on MASC for a shallow 85 and sump. Frustrated with size restrictions on fish in a 20, we decided it was time to go big. Hence, the beginning of this build.

I'm lucky that my husband also enjoys this hobby since I'm a stay at home mom and he doesn't complain so much about what his paycheck is spent on for the tank. I'm the husbandry side of it (he just enjoys the views) and he enjoys the technology (and muscle and wallet) side of it. We make a good team.

Stand Construction
The tank is in our formal living room, now dubbed fish room. We designed the room around the tank, including coordinating the paint to complement the stand stain.

Tank with temporary 10 gallon clown tank before fish room was painted. Like our impromptu light stand for our SOL? :p

Our son checking out the Naso at the Aquatic Art MASC meeting in Oct 2014

stand construction

Stain on top of stand

Stand skeleton in painted fish room

getting plumbed and wired

APEX electrical board in side of stand

Finished build (and cycling) around Christmas

Right book case houses ATO reservoirs and aqualifter as well as UPS and Vortech back up battery. You can also see we have a security camera for the display.

APEX board installed with stand side off

Inside the stand, second security camera for the sump and extra power strip for devices not needing the EB8

All closed up and pretty again. The left bookcase contains and extra ATO reservoir. I think I can go a week or so without needing to refill any jugs.


  • 2x Amphipiron occelaris (occelaris clownfish- 1 Birdshot Phantom, 1 DaVinci) [Phantom and Christine]
  • 1x Siganus doliatus (scribbled rabbitfish) [Usagi]
  • 1x Valenciennea puellaris(diamond goby) [Sandman]
  • 1x Gobiodon okinwae (yellow clown goby) [Krieger]
  • 2x Synchiropus splendidus (green mandarin) [Qinglong, male; Zhuque, female)
  • 1x Elactinus oceanops (neon blue goby) [Bones]
  • CUC from reefcleaners
  • 1x Strombus alatus (florida fighting conch) [Maximus]
  • 1x Alpheus bellulus (tiger pistol shrimp)
  • 1x Entacmaea quadricolor (rainbow bubbletip anemone)
  • 1x Lysmata debelius (fire shrimp) [Woodhouse]

  • 1x Montipora capricornis (Red )
  • 1x Montipora capricornis (Starburst)
  • 1x Montipora tuberculosa (Mystic Sunset)
  • 1x Acropora sp. (Green Slimer)
  • 1x Acropora sp. (unknown, blue)
  • 1x Pavona frondifera (mint green)
  • 1x Montipora tuberculosa (Rainbow)
  • 1x Psammocora sp (ORA Kelly Green)
  • 1x Acropora sp (Katropora)
  • 1x Acropora tortusa (Miyagi)
  • 1x Acropora tortusa (Cali)
  • 1x Seriatopora hystrix (Ponape)
  • 1x Stylophora sp (Purple)
  • 1x Euphyillia anchora (Green & Pink)
  • 1x Acanthastrea lordhowensis
  • 1x Leptastrea purpurea (Golden)
  • 1x Favia sp (Pastel)
Soft Coral
  • 1x Ricordea florida (Orange)
  • Zoanthus sp.
-God of Wars
-Blue Hornets
-Strawberry Lemonades
-Candy Apple Reds
-Red Hornet
-Miami Vice
-Eagle Eye (both green and yellow skirt varieties)
-Pink Zippers
-Bam Bams
-Fire and Ice
-Dragon Eyes
-Blueberry Fields
-PHE Red Ring
-Teal Rings
-Blow Pop
-Utter Chaos
-Gold Mauls

We have just started a battle with ich so skoechle is actually in the process of assembling a stand for a 50 gallon to move everyone into while the display goes fallow. However, after that, we plan on adding a McCosker wrasse trio, a Flame Angel, and a Kole Tang. We had a Kole Tang previously but he suddenly died a week ago after being fine and healthy. He showed no signs of ich and I did a thorough investigation of the body. He had swim bladder issues the morning of his death, so it may be linked to that. I just really don't know. Two days later, Bones (neon goby) showed up with spots, so who knows. Anyways, that's the immediate future plan for the tank. Once the last of the fish list is added, that pretty much finishes fish stocking for this tank. I may add a tailspot blenny and another clown goby, but I haven't decided yet.

In about 5 to 6 years, for our 10th anniversary, we have tentatively discussed upgrading this tank to the 150 gallon Cadlights Artisan II (or whatever equivalent they have out at that time)



M.A.S.C Club Member
Beautiful tank and impressive post! Any pictures of the inhabitants and corals?


M.A.S.C Club Member
Great looking build! I'll be following along for sure. I really like the side apex access, I don't think I've seen that before. Good luck with the ich outbreak.


Cleaner Shrimp
Some photos of livestock:

My scribbled rabbit when I first got her

My whale of a rabbitfish now.

Male Mandarin

Male and female cuddling. Aren't they the cutest? I trained the male to eat prepared foods. He eats mysis but goes nuts for live black worms.

rainbow monti

utter chaos zoa

Florida Fighting Conch (maximus)

Krieger, yellow clown goby

Sandman, diamond sleeper goby

DaVinci clown (female) Birdshot Phantom (male)

Rainbow nem

These are month growth comparison shots from corals bought at reef stock in February

Acan lord project, I got him a MASC member who upgraded his tank and the acan wasn't happy

It was originally one stick, now there are three branches and it's encrusting the plug. This is one that popped off during acclimation and had to be reglued to the plug.

This dude is as different as night and day. It also had to be re-glued and had some die off on the bottom half. It's almost finished encrusting the dead bottom half and has reached its way to the base. The colors are really coming in now! :-D

Orange leptastrea, growth is self explanatory

BAM! Look at that plug! Oh wait! Where is the plug?

In the process of encrusting. Slower growing, but I think its because its in slightly lower flow then it would like.

Hard to see, but it is growing up as well as out. You can definitely tell from the front of the plug to the base of the base of the monti.

This photo is not mine but the frags are. I got them a couple days ago as a surprise birthday gift from my husband. I haven't been able to get good photos of them in my tank. The more birghtly colored one is a katropora, the other is a miyagi. I've been on a wait list for the kat, and my husband talked to the chick behind my back and got me moved up for my birthday :)

I don't have photos from the frags I recently got. Once I get everyone moved to QT and the dust settles from that, I'll get a FTS and more shot of corals.


Cleaner Shrimp


As I previously mentioned, I'm a member of nano reef and that's where I got my start. I've been an online acquaintance of Metrokat and was on the waitlist for a frag of her famous Katropora (blogged about at Marine Depot here: A really beautiful colony. She also has an awesome Miyagi colony playfully dubbed the "kittiyagi" that I was not on a list for. As a surprise for my birthday, my husband contacted Kat and asked if I could be moved up the wait list, he also purchased me the kittiyagi and a frag of her ORA Kelly Green Psammacorra colony (no photos of that one, I forgot). She also gave me a pastel favia as a gift from her. It was a very wonderful surprise for my birthday.














Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
The zoa island is great! Really like ur aquascape. Working on a 60 shallow and ur post and the linked post gave me lots of ideas. Following along!


Cleaner Shrimp
Quick update:
All of my fish are dead except for three. My 3 remaining are my originals: my clown pair and my scribbled rabbitfish. And this sounds cruel, but they are my favorite fish, so I'm glad that if I only have 3 left. Its these guys.

I lost 3 to ich (male mandarin, cleaner goby, yellow clown goby), 1 to starvation (female mandarin refused to eat in QT), and 1 to Cupramine overdose (Diamond Goby, wasn't a true overdose, I just didn't know he was more sensitive so I should've dosed slower). QT has been a *****.

Thankfully, its over in 2 weeks. I have one week left of cupramine and then one week left of the display being fallow for 6 weeks.

I have an order with Aquamart for:
1 Kole Tang
1 Target Mandarin
1 African Cleaner Wrasse
1 Yellow Clown Goby
1 Diamond Goby

Which will replace everyone I've lost. (Cleaner Goby is being switched with Cleaner wrasse, they ordered him by mistake but he's eating mysis, so we'll give him a shot)

And then:
1 Flame Angel
3 McCosker Flasher Wrasses (1 male 2 female)

Which will finish fish stocking for the tank. Aquamart is QTing everyone for 3 to 4 weeks so I don't have to deal with the headache at home. They will be ready to go in the tank about a week after my original guys get back in.

Sneak peek of my crew in QT at Aquamart. They seem to be doing really well and look really healthy. Pretty happy.

In other news, my display has been killing it in the coral department. I'm getting great growth and will have to take more comparison shots. I will probably do a massive photo dump once all my fish are in.

We also just got the DOS. Super excited about that. We'll be going to Yellowstone in a few weeks and I've been so worried about my neighbor screwing the tank up. With the addition of the DOS, literally all he has to do is: switch the ATO jug and clip precut Nori strips for my Rabbitfish. The fish will be ****ed with pellets for four days, but they'll live. lol If only neptune would come out with a AFFS (Automatic Frozen Feeder System). lol

The DOS looking all sleek and sexy in my bookcase. I love using the bookcase to hide all of my equipment. No way all this stuff would fit in my stand. The BRS slime 1 gallon jugs fit perfectly next to the ATO jugs.

Well, that covers everything... Hopefully next post will be happy news of new arrivals and no more death. I swear, nothing makes you want to leave the hobby more then feeling like a fish killer. Hopefully, my time for that has passed.


Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
I like your setup -- looks really nice! Looks like the tubing we swapped for is working as it should as well!


Cleaner Shrimp
ayaws;351570 said:
I like your setup -- looks really nice! Looks like the tubing we swapped for is working as it should as well!
Thanks! Yeah, the tubing was the perfect length. As you can see, I needed it to go from the bookcase to the sump. It actually needed to go to the opposite end of the sump, so I needed a lot of tubing. lol
bathomassr;351572 said:
Following, love your posts.
Thanks :)
Tango;351574 said:
Very clean looking tank
Thanks. :) That was the goal of this tank. I wanted it to look more like a piece of the room then just a tank thrown out there. lol


Cleaner Shrimp
Been awhile. So the only fish who made it into the tank were:

My original 3 (thank god)
-Scribbled Rabbit
- Phantom and DaVinci Clowns (I did trade my female davinci for a small male davinci because she was just relentlessly beating the crap out of phantom. The new DaVinci and my Phantom have paired up, so I'm very happy I traded her in)

From Aquamart:
-Cleaner Wrasse
-Diamond Goby

I've since added:
-Yellow Flanked Fairy Wrasse
- Coral Beauty


Looks barren, but I actually just moved things around and glued them. Nothing got sold or removed.

The katropora is poppin'

And a video of the tank (before YF Wrasse and Coral Beauty additions):

And, I'm pregnant! So not fishy related. But we got to meet this little guy/girl on Wednesday. I didn't get an ultrasound until 20 weeks with my son, so it was exciting to get a dating ultrasound and see baby before 20 weeks.

So we have been busy, busy, busy here!