Hello good people of Colorado! My name is Chris Haynes, and I am the owner/operator of Lotsa Fishies and
www.lotsafishies.com. I ran accross your website and noticed you had a thread about me from a few months back, and thought I could shed a little light on who I am and what I do.
I am first and foremost an aquarium-servicing and maintenance company located in sunny San Diego, California. Every three weeks I journey up to Los Angeles (aka my "LA-Runs") - where the bulk of the west-coast livestock wholesalers have conglomerated. I take orders in advance from my servicing-clients, from members of several online discussoin forums that I sponsor, and from individuals, clubs, and group-buys I ship out to around the country. I spend the better part of the day hand-picking each and every Fish, Coral, or Invert directly for my end-customer. For my local customers, pickup is the same evening once I have returned to San Diego, for my shipping customers, the orders usually go out the next day.
The pricelists on my website demonstrate what I can potentially get and for approximately what price, not what I carry on-hand. I definitely do not carry any sharks

--although, I have shipped a male/female pair to a customer in South Carolina that was starting a breeding program. The pricesheets are more of a theoretical, since the prices at the wholesalers change week-to-week, but the prices shown on my "Specials" page are actual concrete prices from some previous "LA-Runs."
I am very much a passionate hobbyist as well, and livestock compatability with a customer's existing tank is very important - I will never knowingly sell someone an animal that will not work with their aquarium or skill level. Yes, I am a business and have to make money, but I take the high-road at all times.
If anyone has any questions, or is interested in placing an order, or creating a group-buy, please feel free to contact me!
Chris Haynes