Metal halide height


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I have a 60 frag that's 48x24x12. I am hanging a 400w fixture over it as well as 2 "48" actinic t5.
What do you all set your fixtures at over your tanks? Was thinking 2'.
I have sps (mainly montis) that I'm going to keep center under the light, zoas on the edges, and favias/chalices at the extreme ends.
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I have a similar frag tank but I am goinging to. Run 2 250w with 4 t5 bulbs. I'm going to make it so I can just move the lights up and down to where I need them.


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Haddonisreef;355500 said:
I'd say start high so u don't burn the corals and slowly adjust to a good hight
2' or 3'? I have the cable "tied" with clamps so I can raise/lower as needed.


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My 250 waters are about 12" above the water. I'd say that 9-18" is the average for users. 400 watt over a drag tank you can do further away and increase the spread since the tank is so shallow. A par meter would help you a lot I suppose.


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Walter White;355525 said:
What bulb and ballast are you using?
Xm with a sun system magnetic was the fixture that Allyson mbc had on here the week of reefed.


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
It's my first try at a shallow tank so wasn't sure what height to put it at, also the first time im hanging a fixture as I've used the cheap fixtures that have the clips for the side of the tank for all my other tanks in the past.

Walter White

Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I think you'll find the XM bulbs don't put out as much PAR as say a Radium running on the same ballast. Definitely give yourself some wiggle room to raise and lower the fixture but I think you may find you wont have to run it as high as you think. As others have already said a par meter will help a lot in finding your starting point.


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Walter White;355575 said:
I think you'll find the XM bulbs don't put out as much PAR as say a Radium running on the same ballast. Definitely give yourself some wiggle room to raise and lower the fixture but I think you may find you wont have to run it as high as you think. As others have already said a par meter will help a lot in finding your starting point.
Thanks Walter! I got a lot of replies on another thread about the bulbs//ballast combination, xm for magnetic and the radiums on a different ballast. I got new bulbs (2) and the fixture for less than $100 or I would have gone a different route. Was oringinally going to do 2x250w fixture but wanted to try the 400w first before I put more money into reflectors, ballasts, etc. I've still got 2 250w phoenix 14k that I'm saving for future expansion :)

Would it be worth it to buy a par meter or rent the one on the forum? Thanks guys!!!!
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Walter White

Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Miah2bzy;355579 said:
Thanks Walter! I got a lot of replies on another thread about the bulbs//ballast combination, xm for magnetic and the radiums on a different ballast. I got new bulbs (2) and the fixture for less than $100 or I would have gone a different route. Was oringinally going to do 2x250w fixture but wanted to try the 400w first before I put more money into reflectors, ballasts, etc. I've still got 2 250w phoenix 14k that I'm saving for future expansion :)

Would it be worth it to buy a par meter or rent the one on the forum? Thanks guys!!!!
i hope I didn't misrepresent what I was saying. I wasn't dogging the XM or suggesting you should go with a Radium instead. I like the XM bulb and their color and think it will work well for you, just pointing out that they are typically lower on par than other popular bulbs. In this case that could be a good thing I think since the tank is very shallow.

i don think you need. to buy a par meter but they are nice to have around. One of those pricey toys that you rarely ever use so unless you just have money to blow I'd just try to find one to borrow.


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
I have a very similar tank, but running a single 250W Phoenix in a Hamilton cayman sun pendant 2' above the water with led fixtures on the two ends mostly running blue about 18" high, and have to shade my zoa's on the sides of the tank to keep them from just melting away. Some can handle the light better than others obviously, but you get the point. I also only run the MH for about 4hrs a day.


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Walter White;355595 said:
i hope I didn't misrepresent what I was saying. I wasn't dogging the XM or suggesting you should go with a Radium instead.
No worries. I appreciate the input, the Xms literally fell into my lap otherwise I would have gone with something different. And the par meters are expensive, wishing I lived closer to Denver now so I could rent it from the club :)


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
FishTV;355597 said:
Some can handle the light better than others obviously, but you get the point. I also only run the MH for about 4hrs a day.
That's crazy! Guess I'm going to frag everything I've got to transfer over to the 60 as they're doing super awesome in my 30L under the t5, even have some utter chaos and pink kraks that are growing like crazy (both frags had a new baby within 3 days of adding to the tank and spreading mat like a Zerg infestation).


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Dr.HarlemTutu;355650 said:
Plus one on the 4 hours a day. That's how long I'm running my halides.
Are you still doing halides, t5, and leds?