Hey ho, I've been around. We've been thinking about moving for a while now so I've been out of the hobby thinking about new hobbies to do on the land we're buying.
Tank and light set up is $350. Shelby has first dibs on the whole package. I'm really looking to get rid of everything in one go and not part out. If somebody wants everything and Shelby passes, then the next person who wants it all can have it for $1750. I'm pricing things really well to try and move everything at once as I'm not really interested in selling things in small pieces and dragging it out.
Yup I'm moving out of state at the end of summer. You're first on the list for the magnet and I believe second on the tang. I have to add again that the tangs have to go to a large 6 foot tank. They are very spoiled with lots of swimming room and will destroy your other fish if they feel cramped in a small tank. It was not a good experiment for me.
Yup I'm moving out of state at the end of summer. You're first on the list for the magnet and I believe second on the tang. I have to add again that the tangs have to go to a large 6 foot tank. They are very spoiled with lots of swimming room and will destroy your other fish if they feel cramped in a small tank. It was not a good experiment for me.
Alex the clowns and RBTA are still for sale if the deals for the whole package falls through. Hoosier Daddy he would work in a 180 but you would have to go on a waiting list. I apologize for being so vague guys but I have a couple of people interested in buying the whole package. If those deals fall through I'll go down the list. People who buy things as they are listed out in lots get first choice over selling things in pieces.
DBarnes I tried to PM you back but your Inbox is full.
The tortoise is one of our reasons we're moving to Texas. He is bigger than when you saw him last, huge. He can't live in Colorado anymore with 5 months of winter. He needs to live someplace where it's warmer and he has more place to roam. Our new place is perfect for him. We're going to have to rent a uhaul to move him. He's probably around 100 pounds now.