Mp 40 upgrade


M.A.S.C Club Member
Who has got the new up grades for there mp 40? How much are they and what do ya think? Was thinking about getting a few for the 180.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Cris at AA has them for $75 I think. Definitely ask him, but it made a huge difference on my mp10's

static reef

SCMAS Board Members
What are you wanting to upgrade charlie?

I am in no rush to replace all 8 of my mp40's due to the heftiness of the total. I think that I am going to replace the wet sides as they break and keep the drys as is.


M.A.S.C Club Member
static reef;352059 said:
What are you wanting to upgrade charlie?

I am in no rush to replace all 8 of my mp40's due to the heftiness of the total. I think that I am going to replace the wet sides as they break and keep the drys as is.
Want to replace the driver w the new more quite one

static reef

SCMAS Board Members
Hmm. Im going to have to research this a little more. I was under the impression that the driver and the dry side had to be replaced for the noise reduction and the wet side is just built better and stronger


M.A.S.C Club Member
static reef;352062 said:
Hmm. Im going to have to research this a little more. I was under the impression that the driver and the dry side had to be replaced for the noise reduction and the wet side is just built better and stronger
That's correct


M.A.S.C Club Member
Mp 40 upgrade

Mine came with just the controller. You basically take the wireless chip out of your current unit, (if yours are wireless to begin with) detach the main plug, swap it over to the new controller and you're done.

Mine went from being very noisy to almost completely silent... even on full power. Not sure how the controller can do that, but it's legit.

Plus the new units look a lot better!!
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M.A.S.C Club Member
Again, mine are the 10's so it may be different on the 40's. I think the 40's had a complete redesign for the QD series so it may be different, but I'm not 100% sure.


M.A.S.C Club Member
clowninaround7474;352069 said:
Again, mine are the 10's so it may be different on the 40's. I think the 40's had a complete redesign for the QD series so it may be different, but I'm not 100% sure.
Cool thanks I'm on the hunt


Angel Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
I think Cris still has both controller and wet sides in stock at $75 each. I just upgraded the wet sides and am very glad I did. Better flow and the new wet sides have the same design as the 10s and 60s. Much better design and much more reliable.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
I have sold a number of upgrades and 100% of the people said that they love it, not just like it, love it. Really quiets them down quite a bit. As far as the dry side replacements go, they are $199 to replace the dry side. So if you do the math, $75 for the driver, $75 for the wet side and $199 for the dry side then you get the price of a new Mp40 QD which is $349. So you can build one yourself for the same price.

We try and stock the wet sides and replacement drivers all the time along with the whole new MP40QD pumps but don't have the dry sides in stock and probably never will.

Hope that helps!
