My Crested Geckos had a baby!

Super excited. I have had this pair for 3-4 years and they have always laid eggs, but none have been fertile. Last night my wife and I were going out for dinner and I was putting on different dress shirts and one had a baby gecko on it. Somehow an egg hatched and the baby escaped and crawled into my closest. So crazy.....

Here is the baby:

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M.A.S.C Club Member
Was there more than one egg have you checked your shoes lol!


Nurse Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
It's been 35 years since I had a pair of geckos. Mine laid eggs...I was very excited. My best friend came over to see and picked up a piece of driftwood to see them and accidentally dropped it on them smashing the eggs and one of the geckos...the things I remember so clearly...

But congrats on your gecko grandbaby!!!
They lay 2 eggs but I haven't seen a second anywhere. I know they will eat the babies if they get a chance. It's just so weird that an egg hatched, it escaped the tank, crawled all the way to the closest and I never saw it....... sneaky sneaky


M.A.S.C Club Member
JimmyOrangeSeed;176499 said:
They lay 2 eggs but I haven't seen a second anywhere. I know they will eat the babies if they get a chance. It's just so weird that an egg hatched, it escaped the tank, crawled all the way to the closest and I never saw it....... sneaky sneaky
I got a golden gecko for my son named Lizard Skynard lol I wonder how hard it would be to sex it and find it a mate?
Well. I found the second baby but it didnt make it. I think it had gone too long without food/water. The first one is still going strong.

I dont know about golden geckos but for mine, they need to be almost full grown before you can be 100% sure of their sex.

I am going to start collecting their eggs and see how often they mate. I guess that would count as breeding them but I am not really doing anything ;)

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So. I have found a total of 3 babies. #1 is going strong and is pictured below. #2 and #3 did not make it. All 3 were found just walking around my house. I have since secured the top to the vivarium better ;)



Butterfly Fish
That is so cool! It's a cutie. Too bad about the other two, hope you get more eggs. It would be neat to have a bunch of little guys crawling around, heheh.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
Good looking little speciman. Been a while since I had any geckos, makes me want to get back into it.
So, just found baby #4. Came home from work, looked in the tank and saw this little guy looking back. Pretty excited I found him since I have been expecting to find some this week.....

So, tore down the tank tonight. I am going to put a glass divider in there and separate the adults, at least until I can get caught up with all these babies ;)
While tearing it down I found another baby (number 7) and 4 more eggs....... My wife is going to kill me. At least I know my mated pair is happy =P