I've found this "thread" interesting and there is always much more to a "name" than most people realize as mine! Catfish Charlie has been with me for over 40 years. It came from my love of fishing. Back in the late 1960's and early 1970's I did a lot of fishing for catfish. We used a "stink bait" called "Catfish Charlie's the Original Stink Bait" along with garlic flavored chicken livers. Even though in the 70's I became more interested in fly and lure fishing (as I am now) the name Catfish Charlie stuck with me as my CB (citizen band radio) handle. In the early 80's when I was doing research on opening a tropical fish shop I was going to call my shop "Fish Nuts"...........till a lady asked me "do fish really have nuts?" :eek2: So one of my friends said "Why don't you call your new shop your CB handle Catfish Charlie's?" so I did! I also did a talk radio show on KOA in the early 90's call "Fish Talk" and I used my radio name on there too as "Catfish Charlie". So here I am on here as Catfish Charlie!