Thanks Saints, I am trying your suggestion now. on the Apex site, it says to do this...
Problem: On my Apex Display Screen it shows “Apex Fusion: Down” -even after I power-cycled the Apex.
Answer 1:
Change the DNS servers in your controller.
To do this, on your display screen go to System> NetSetup> DHCP> Off. Then change the primary DNS Sever to and the Alt DNS server to, then restart your controller.
Answer 2:
Check to make sure your IP address is appropriate for your network.
To do this, on your display screen go to System> NetSetup> DHCP> Off. Then navigate to “IP Address” and “Gateway” If your gateway was “,” then your controller’s IP address should be 192.168.0.XX. If it is not, can you access your router at
http://” Gateway” in your Internet browser.
If so, then modify your controller’s IP address to match the first three sets of numbers in your “gateway,” and restart your controller.
If not, then modify your gateway to match the first three sets of numbers in your “IP Address,” and restart the controller.
Answer 3 :
Restart your modem, then your router. If that does not work, then
contact Neptune Systems
I've tried those things, we'll see if your suggestion works.