Need help with new Apex


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
Thanks Saints, I am trying your suggestion now. on the Apex site, it says to do this...

Problem: On my Apex Display Screen it shows “Apex Fusion: Down” -even after I power-cycled the Apex.
Answer 1:
Change the DNS servers in your controller.
To do this, on your display screen go to System> NetSetup> DHCP> Off. Then change the primary DNS Sever to and the Alt DNS server to, then restart your controller.
Answer 2:
Check to make sure your IP address is appropriate for your network.
To do this, on your display screen go to System> NetSetup> DHCP> Off. Then navigate to “IP Address” and “Gateway” If your gateway was “,” then your controller’s IP address should be 192.168.0.XX. If it is not, can you access your router at http://” Gateway” in your Internet browser.
If so, then modify your controller’s IP address to match the first three sets of numbers in your “gateway,” and restart your controller.
If not, then modify your gateway to match the first three sets of numbers in your “IP Address,” and restart the controller.
Answer 3 :
Restart your modem, then your router. If that does not work, then contact Neptune Systems

I've tried those things, we'll see if your suggestion works.


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
Thanks Saints, I am trying your suggestion now. on the Apex site, it says to do this...

Problem: On my Apex Display Screen it shows “Apex Fusion: Down” -even after I power-cycled the Apex.
Answer 1:
Change the DNS servers in your controller.
To do this, on your display screen go to System> NetSetup> DHCP> Off. Then change the primary DNS Sever to and the Alt DNS server to, then restart your controller.
Answer 2:
Check to make sure your IP address is appropriate for your network.
To do this, on your display screen go to System> NetSetup> DHCP> Off. Then navigate to “IP Address” and “Gateway” If your gateway was “,” then your controller’s IP address should be 192.168.0.XX. If it is not, can you access your router at http://” Gateway” in your Internet browser.
If so, then modify your controller’s IP address to match the first three sets of numbers in your “gateway,” and restart your controller.
If not, then modify your gateway to match the first three sets of numbers in your “IP Address,” and restart the controller.
Answer 3 :
Restart your modem, then your router. If that does not work, then contact Neptune Systems

I've tried those things, we'll see if your suggestion works.


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
19TheSaint75;353940 said:
Is it running?
Fusion is not running. I still get the ApexFusion: Down

Not sure exactly why. I have tried everything I could find on Apex site and your suggestion as well. I have submitted a help desk ticket. Thanks for trying though
Shaunv;353943 said:
Fusion is not running. I still get the ApexFusion: Down

Not sure exactly why. I have tried everything I could find on Apex site and your suggestion as well. I have submitted a help desk ticket. Thanks for trying though

What is the IP address of the Aqua Controller?
What do you have listed as the Gateway on the display module?
Is DHCP on or off?


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
The gateway's first 3 sets of numbers match the controller and router with the last set being different. Router IP ends in 2, apex controller ends in 50, gateway ends in 25. I have changed the DNS and alternate DNS to match what apex suggests to do. I have tried with DHCP on and off


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
Also, I can see the Apex dashboard from my browser and can make changes to the controller


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
I can but it will be about 30 minutes, just started walking the dogs :)


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
19TheSaint75;353946 said:
Can you do screenshots of your router's settings and of the net settings of the APEX from the aqua controller dashboard?

This is how it was set up. I also just tried matching the gateway and DNS on the Apex controller/dashboard to the routers configurations


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
19TheSaint75;353954 said:
First change your Gateway to It should match the address that you use to pull up your Router.
That did it! woohoo! thanks a lot you are a "saint" lol. It would have been nice if the apex instructions offered that up as a suggestion. ha


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
now I can start plugging things in. It will have to wait until tomorrow though. it's already getting late and I don't want to be up all night playing with my new toy
Shaunv;353955 said:
That did it! woohoo! thanks a lot you are a "saint" lol. It would have been nice if the apex instructions offered that up as a suggestion. ha
Glad its working. I am just paying it forward from the day I set mine up and was cursing Neptune. I was trying to set up on a weekend with no luck and no tech support. If not for Zombie and Ayaws I would have mailed it back on Monday. Now the fun begins of programming it!


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
yeah, the joys of working the same hours as tech support. The programming fun begins but I hear it is much more simple now with fusion. We shall see.
Shaunv;353958 said:
yeah, the joys of working the same hours as tech support. The programming fun begins but I hear it is much more simple now with fusion. We shall see.
I think it is very simple, once you learn the idiosyncrasies. You would think the word "Then" means something, that it doesn't. Fortunately there are a lot of programs posted in forums that you can copy and alter to make your tank do you want you want.