Newtoreefs RSM 130!


Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Newtoreefs RSM 130!

Lil update, well everything is looking good so far got some diatoms growing and the yellow colonials are looking good


Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Newtoreefs RSM 130!

Having a massive diatom bloom
Wow, thats a diatom bloom. I am assuming they have not already come and gone, as they usually do? Do you use tap, or Rodi water? I believe the leading cause of diatoms is excess silicates.
best of luck!


Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Newtoreefs RSM 130!

I use ro water but the tank is only 3 weeks old and I'm just getting air bubbles in my dsb everything was dry at start no live stuff so I think it's going well just means that I got nitrates that the diatoms can feed off also phosphates went from 1 ppm to .4 And nitrates went from 120ppm to 40


Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Newtoreefs RSM 130!

Well haven't updated in a long time but I have ha battles lol guess the rock I got was horribad!!!! So been fighting gha but starting to win. Today I built my own reactor for biopellets
but it's just for now till I buy a real one lol!

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