I would like to thank everyone who came out today to support the club and the DBTC Program. I hope every ones corals made it home safe. Although the meet started of looking like only a select few people were getting corals within the first 20 minutes people were giving extreme tickets away to those who did not have any extreme tickets to get the newer members some really nice corals. By the end of the meeting it felt more like a free for all as I scurried around looking for corals for thatoneguys new 240 gallon tank while he took his daughter to get food. Hopefully Derrick your tank does not look so barren now. BTW Derrick I want to see some pictures with those corals in there. Thank you to all the sponsors who provided the raffle items. The money earned will help fund our next meeting or event and I can’t wait to meet more new members and the returning members. I noticed many new faces, but also recognized a lot of familiar faces.
For the newer members who attended this meeting only one more to go until you get your membership badges. Or you may also donate the predetermined membership dues and get your membership badges now.
If you did not sign the Attendance sheet please let us know and we can mark you down.
Thank You
Daniel Venson
Member at Large.