You will be able to buy 1 day conference passes on-line, or at the door. Look for an announcement in the next couple of weeks.
If you want to join 1500 die hard reefers, speakers and exhibitors... there's still time to buy the Full Conference Passes which include the Friday Reception... a fun party at the Ellie Caulkins Opera House and the Saturday Banquet where we will be giving away a trip for 2 to Fiji... 10 days on a lovely island. The best part is that if you are a diver, there will be an option to upgrade to a Live Aboard dive boat!!
The day passes will give you access to the exhibit floor, speakers, workshops and drawings, but not the Party and Banquet.
Don't forget.... kids 17 and under are free.... we will have a Kids Corner where they can color, pet some cool critters or otherwise be entertained away from the show floor.
This is gonna be so much fun!!!!
Chair, MACNA 2014