I would like to thank the following members for their attendance today at the open public attendance community meeting today, despite the rain.
Bret - HondaHound
Martin - MartinsReef
Fred - Smiley
and last but not least Gale - ZooId
As well as the entire board.
Scott - Sschase
Adam - AMonchak
Derek - ThatOneGuy
Drew - Cdrewferd
& Craig - CraigAR
I feel we accomplished alot as far as the boards growth, restructuring of some bylaws and a strong agreement as to the shared want for MASC to continue to grow and move forward into new and exciting things. I am sorry to not see all of those that expressed their grave concern that their be a meeting and strongly expressed that they would be in attendance. We look forward to possibly seeing you at another one in the future.
Thank you all again for your attendance, support and commitment to not only your word but the MASC community in being a part of its growth. I was great to see you all and I look forward to out next months DBTC meeting where I will hopefully see you all again.