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I track it with an apex.
Made a few adjustments. One I moved the CO2 scrubber to outside the cabinet and closer to the window I keep cracked open next to the tank.
I also tested all the numbers in my last batch of kent salt I mixed up. Normally I just test the salinity on batch but since the numbers were all out of whack on my tank I figured I better check more. Fortunately I had only done one water change with this batch because when I tested it the ph was at 6, alk was so low it was unreadable and the calc was so high it was also unreadable. I know I have said it before but GOD I HATE KENT SALT, and I cant wait to use up the remaining bags I have so I can get on to a salt that is predictable in its numbers.
Needless to say I dumped the whole 55g drum of saltwater I had made and scrubbed out the drum. There was some crazy brown sludge in the bottom of it from this batch.
Mixed up a new batch and tested everything again. This batch tested with alc at 9, calc at 450 and ph at 8, so I did a small water change.
Big difference so far, all though almost to much so. The highs and lows have been much more predictable and no longer erratic and backwards from expected. Although now it is ranging from an 8.2 at night to an 8.4-8.7 during the day.
Things in the tank seem to be back to normal again even with the over the top ph level, but quite amazed at how much difference those two little things made. Not really concerned with the over the top ph level since everything seems to be doing fine, although a tad surprised by it.
Made a few adjustments. One I moved the CO2 scrubber to outside the cabinet and closer to the window I keep cracked open next to the tank.
I also tested all the numbers in my last batch of kent salt I mixed up. Normally I just test the salinity on batch but since the numbers were all out of whack on my tank I figured I better check more. Fortunately I had only done one water change with this batch because when I tested it the ph was at 6, alk was so low it was unreadable and the calc was so high it was also unreadable. I know I have said it before but GOD I HATE KENT SALT, and I cant wait to use up the remaining bags I have so I can get on to a salt that is predictable in its numbers.
Needless to say I dumped the whole 55g drum of saltwater I had made and scrubbed out the drum. There was some crazy brown sludge in the bottom of it from this batch.
Mixed up a new batch and tested everything again. This batch tested with alc at 9, calc at 450 and ph at 8, so I did a small water change.
Big difference so far, all though almost to much so. The highs and lows have been much more predictable and no longer erratic and backwards from expected. Although now it is ranging from an 8.2 at night to an 8.4-8.7 during the day.
Things in the tank seem to be back to normal again even with the over the top ph level, but quite amazed at how much difference those two little things made. Not really concerned with the over the top ph level since everything seems to be doing fine, although a tad surprised by it.