Its what Ive used for the past few years with great success. I only recommend 3 salts from my experience.. Seachem Reef Salt for lps softie tanks, Salinity for mixed reefs (cloudy for a few hours after mix), and Microbe-Lift for mixed reefs (not cloudy after mix). Both salinity and microbe-lift have consistency from bucket to bucket with elevated levels of calcium, alkalinity, and magnesium.
I am and will continue to use microbe-lift as it has been dead nuts on from batch to batch and have had no problems with anything. I like to use my water about 15 minutes after mixing and with microbe-lift, there is no cloudiness. Microbe-lift is made in the USA.
As far as 2-part, IME the bulk reef supply is the easiest and cheapest and comes pre-measured for gallon jugs. B-Ionic is also great but expensive. I like the BRS stuff and use it with a bubble magus doser. I use gallon vinegar jugs with rigid airline tubing suspended an inch off bottom of jug to keep from getting the settlements into my tank.
Remember... consistency is the key to thriving reefs. Fluctuations in alkalinity are deadly for coral. Phosphates inhibit color and growth. DO NOT dose anything that you do not test for. NEVER EVER show your spouse the receipt from your LFS.