Pink-ish, Purpl-ish, Orange-ish Birds nest. (22 of them)


Cleaner Shrimp
Great seeing you all at the meeting today. Thanks for the frag trades if we traded!

I think everyone who asked got a frag today. Although I think I missed 303Travism. Sorry Travis, I'm sure I saw you. I could also be mistaken and DID get a frag to you?? LOL

After the meeting I still have nine (9) left. I'll try to get a pic up tomorrow when the lights are on.

Thanks again all


M.A.S.C Club Member
My bad I wasn't feeling good and took off kinda fast


Cleaner Shrimp
Hope your feeling better Travis. Just give me a holler if you'd like one of these.

I now know what you meant by looking iffy tlsrcs. Although still technically alive, it looks like all the polyps are damaged. There's even a couple small spots sloughing off. We'll just have to see how it goes. I've saved worse.:D

No problem Dillon! Sorry you were missed yesterday.

We owe tlsrcs and his wife, for all that driving too. Thanks Tyson!!


M.A.S.C Club Member
Thanks troy it actually worked out pretty good everyone was able to meet at my place to pick up there frags last night..... I hope it does pull through. if it doesnt let me know ill get you something else.


Cleaner Shrimp

Well although I have not sold any of these, most were traded for other frags. A few WERE given, and one received! Here is the list in case anyone needs a record of the trade.

So: I DBTC'd:

1. One birds nest to "Off the deep end".
2. One birds nest to "Kalgra"
3. One birds nest to "Coloagro"

I received one Ricordia from Wicked Demon who did not take a birds nest.

Frag for frag:
1. tlsrcs, KhensuRa, Dbarnes, BPreefer, CRWreefer, Space.

I gave two more away at the meeting, but I have no idea who the takers were. One went to the cute girl carrying the blue bucket?? lol (no biggy):D

Anywho,.. If anyone wants one of these. I'm down to seven left.


M.A.S.C Club Member
yes mine is doing good as well starting to really get some pink in it. i still have it on the rack but in a week or two it will be moved to its perm. home. Thats is if i dont get a diff. tank.


Cleaner Shrimp
Hmm. Well??

Someone gave me a frag, and refused a frag. (May have been BPreefer, maybe even KhensuRa??) but I thought they each took one. Either way it's all good! I just wanted anyone who was trying to win the DBTC contest to have a record of their give.:D

I didn't know there was a DBTC contest until a few days ago, But the rules said something about needing a record of the swap by the 3rd. Today is the third, so here is a "record".:p

Glad you guys are having good luck with the frags!

Just for the record Tyson. The purple frag is still iffy. About 1/8th of the flesh has come off the skeleton at this point. It looked to me like one or two center frag polyps were open last night however. So, at this point it may recover, it may not?? All the other frags I received at the meeting are doing great!!


M.A.S.C Club Member
yea it had gotten knocked into the sand at one point by my maroon clown (tank bully) I thought i saw some PE on it at one point but it got really dull looking so i had lost hope. I hope it pulls through for you.


Cleaner Shrimp
Great news!! The Purple Monti from tlsrcs is recovering!!:D It lost a little flesh the first few days in my tank. That slowed down about the time of my last post here. Now today there are open polyps all over the place, and the "dead" area is fading back toward purple on the edge! Looks like it's gonna make it.

Now. I've still got nine (9) of these Birds nests. Here's a pic of seven of them:



Cleaner Shrimp
I really hate to post this here. Just because every time I post pics of the birds nest it somehow ends up on the last page where nobody sees it. (I think):confused:

However here it is.:D You can see the dead patch, but that was totally white yesterday with a defined "death line". I couldn't get any clearer pics through the glass on scratchy, sorry!



Cleaner Shrimp
These are gone! I traded a guy in Westminster for a peach Monti Capri chip, a few Red chalice heads, a fungia, and a tiny green Acro chip....

Thanks all for the trades, hope they and the freebies are all doing well in your tanks!

This thread can be closed.

Add to that all the corals I received are doing great! Although it looks as though both purple monti's are Idaho grape. One is on a frag plug, the other magnet-ed to the glass. In time I'll offer one or the other if that proves to be true. Until then...