120 Reef update April 2022
I finally got new camera glass and cleaned the tank, so might as well share an update before something breaks. Not much has changed visually in my 120, but my parameters and over all health have been improving.
Since implementing brs/balling hybrid dosing my alk stays between 8.5-9.5, ca is 440, MG 1460, and most notably a ph of 8.20-8.35. I have noticed much better coloration and growth, which I mainly chalk up to a higher ph compared to the 7.8 lows I would get before. I currently use 1 gal jugs to store a and b, and a 2 gal jug for C. They all run out the same time after ~50 days, so ideally I want to switch to 5 gal buckets and 10 gal tub down the road.
I simplified and downsized my filtration both to increase nitrates and lower maintenence time. Filter socks are only used when I rescape or clean out the sump mulm. I no longer run carbon or gfo. My skimmer is now rigged to a diy co2 scrubber and only runs if my ph dips below 8.2. There's a fistful of chaeto growimg in the small refugium a that grows slow and keeps my nitrates around 8-16 and phosphates at.02 or lower.
After getting my alk and nitrates up, I thought it would be a good time to swap the ai prime for a hydra 26 HD. The tank now has 2 hydra 32s and the 26 in the middle.
The stocking is pretty much the same for now. I lost a Cardinal that never really looked healthy, a shark nose goby who I suspect encroached on my royal gramma, my cleaner shrimp, and a massive 2" turbo. I've added a kole tang, and have a scopas and 2 new Cardinal in quarantine now. Unfortunately I've discovered more unwanted critters as well. Today I just dipped all my zoa rocks after finding nudibranchs munching on them. Here I was blaming the foxface the past few months for them not opening. I found some Fulgidae worms in the rockwork originally from this tank that I transfered to my 20 gal, so I'm sure I've got tons more... To top it all off, I have video evidence and black tipped claw molts that lead me to think there is a 2-3" gorilla crab in there killing my snails and shrimp. It's avoided my cup trap the entire 3-4 months I've been hunting the bastard. At least the berghia I added destroyed "all" my aptasia. The blue cloves are still breathing, even though there's fenbendazole 10 ft away. They seem to have slowed down spreading and kalk paste has been managing their inevitable take over. I'm considering adding an angel or butterfly to try and thin them out too.
There was an alveopora colony I was eyeing forever that I finally bought 2-3 months ago after my small alve frag started to grow back. I love this coral and really think its size brings the tank together, of course my clowns decided to start grinding up. On it... Fast forward to now. The rbta I had in my 20 is now in this tank looking stunning, and the clowns are beginning to change hosts thankfully. If they didn't I was sadly going to put the coral up for sale. I've collected a few new frags that are starting to grow in. The JF slow burn Monti is on of my new favorites along with this blue/ green milli?. If any one can id the blue/green milli? on the rack, thank you.
When I discovered the zoa eating nudibranchs today, I decided to dip all zoa rocks and rescape the left side. I changed the layout to put the zoa rocks in front, and hide my egg crate/ ugly frag rack in the back. I'm sure things will continue to change as always.
Thanks to whoever has the patience to read this and happy reefing to everyone. All criticism and tips are welcome! Sorry about potato pics, corals> new phone.
P.S. I included a snap shot of my apex temp, ph and salinity. The past few day my tank has been struggling to keep up with the colder house, added heater today. It looks like the low temp coralated with some erratic salinity changes. I'm wondering if this due to "salting out" in the solution from low temp or more likely a probe issue?...