reef central?


M.A.S.C Club Member
I agree that we should be putting our local sponsors before anybody else as they are the most beneficial to us for reason stated above by Dreamer. I know a lot of people have suggested group buys from BRS, etc. but maybe we should consider doing a group buy with gonzz, jon, ricfarmer, etc. We could help them just as much as they are helping us.
i am all for helping our local community before i go out of state to get items. Thanks mark for having us at your place. everything made it home ok. the mini carpet has decided to move about the tank, so far 5 differnt spots since he was put in. i havent found his current spot but i bet he will move yet again. the corals seem to be doing ok as of now. thanks again mark for the wonderfull selection of corals they are gorgus. even my wife is starting to get into the salt tank idea a little more as it is starting look more like a reef than a pile of rocks


M.A.S.C Club Member
I spent the evening alone at my computer organizing a group buy, maybe next time we could all meet up with Jon or at jgonzz or ricfarmers place, eat some burgers, drinks, and talk about what would be cool to order. Sounds so much better than a tupperware party.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Exactly because I know these guys would love our company lol. If you checked out the newsletter Josh is hosting a meeting soon, maybe we could do something then??


M.A.S.C Club Member
Dreamer;14483 said:
+1 to all the comments being made here. Don I was wondering as I have not seen TRT as to the full name of the forum you speaking about.

Thank you
Reef Clubs at TRT

A few months ago gregt and I agreed that one of our priorities at TRT should be to give Reef Clubs the ideal environment for them to make TRT their home on the web.

We drafted a list of features that would be valuable for Reef Clubs and then these were submitted to the Reef Clubs leaders for feedback and prioritization.

Last week we launched the first set of features and there are four clubs that are already taking advantage of these.
If your club is not yet taking advantage of these features and would like to do so - pls PM me.

In addition to a club forum and a members-only sub-forum the new features available include:
  • Club Homepage at TRT which serves each of the clubs as the hub for all the club info. Club-leaders can easily promote selected threads from the club's forum to the club's homepage, and the homepage automatically features the Club's Upcoming Events from the club's calendar.
  • Club Calendar: Every club gets it's own calendar of events and the Upcoming events are automatically featured in the Club's homepage.
  • Members' badge: All club's can give us a badge and all their members wear it while on TRT... It's a nice way to promote your club and the badge itself links to the club's homepage.
  • Join the club: We've made it very easy for clubs to recruit new members. In the club's homepage there is a "Join Our Club" button and clickin on it allows any TRT member apply to become a member of the club. The application is PMed to the Club Leaders who can then with one click approve the pending applications.
We have many new features coming up - amongst them:
  • Mass PM: Allowing Club Leaders (only) to easily PM their member-base with updates on events or other important info.
  • Member Directory: Visible ONLY to members of the club and in it information that the member will choose to include.
  • Club Sponsors page and rotating banners: Each club will be able to feature the club sponsors' banners both in a sponsors' page and in a rotation certain locations.
  • Support for Paid Memberships: Some clubs charge an annual membership fee - we want to make it easy for clubs to administer that.
  • Support for Group Buys: The idea here is to make it easy for Clubs to organize Group Buys, handle registrations, pre-payments, payments, preparation of the order, hand-out of the goods, etc.
  • LFSs Directory and Reviews: Easily accesible list of LFSs and the good and bad things about each.
  • And more!

If your club already has a forum at TRT - Have one of your club leaders PM me and we'll be happy to set them up with all the above.

If your club is not at TRT - This is an excellent time to join


M.A.S.C Club Member
IMO, and this doesn't take anything away from dv3 or this trt forum but I think we need to focus more on getting people to come to this forum, to this webpage again before we try and expand to one more website. We are already spreading ourselves thin with RC and some people only come here to buy/sell things, we should focus on our website.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I think we are going the right direction by promoting the local businesses by telling the good and not so good about the shops helps others to support the better shops and avoid the others. By supporting local reefers we help each other and the hobby, as well as reducing the need for wild caught specimens in the long run. People will find the best deals on line anyway(still can share those with each other too), but as far as livestock & corals, fantastic quality and better prices from folks in our region (Reefkoi, jgonzz, ricfarmer, frickenfragger, jonthfb, just to name a few) without paying shipping.
We have an opportunity to grow local business, both private and public, by supporting and spreading the word to everyone, we then become stronger as a club. LFS and big name sponsors ultimately want to see some bang for their buck from donations and discounts, so as we grow into a more cohesive group it follows that they will want/need to be a part of it.
I have spoken to quite a few people about MASC over the last year or so and several of them did not have great things to say in the distant past, but some of them are now posting on the site, and commenting on the recent changes in the club.
I am very excited about the active direction of the group and am glad to be a part of it.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I agree that we NEED to promote our local business', they are great and give relief to our oceans. As you need we want to grow more into a cohesive unit, and I think the way to do that is by focusing on our own website FIRST. I'm not against expanding and growing because if we can grow and still keep people coming to this website then that means we are doing something right. BUT I don't think that we should keep expanding to other places and let the MASC website suffer because of it. We should do our best to get our own LFS's and "big name sponsors" to come here because we are the best, because they see MASC as a great forum where people come for advice, for good/intelligent conversations. There is no way we can go forward successfully without first establishing our core.


M.A.S.C Club Member
i agree i'm all for promoting this website and local businesses just thought this would be a way to help recruit more members and have another forum like RC (but better) ...i personally am always logged in here and at TRT

Wicked Color

Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
APPLAUDS to you all, down with the forum nazis and reef rapists!!!!RC and R2R, both can bite me, jerks both banned me for the most trivial, retarded reasons (like using the word rapist in a posting) and then wouldn't respond to e-mails. As if I would have would have stayed with either of them after all the B.S. they cause, on their FREE forums that profit (through ad space) off of the number of people who join their site.
I cannot believe the way the mods on those sites act. I hope they do go under and the mods get herpes.
Just my opinion
Rcpilot;13859 said:
Reef Central went down? I hadn't noticed. I haven't been there in over a year and don't plan too.

Screw Reef Central! Bunch of arrogant A-holes running the site and it's so darn crowded. Any thread you post to or any new threads end up pages and pages down within 24hrs.

Got kicked off there last year and never went back. Screw 'em!!

It would be tolerable if the mods were at least somewhat nice and professional. But they are like power hungry little czars. The pathetic thing about it? It's a reefing hobby for christs sakes. Get a life!!
Been kicked off twice for posting in the wrong spot an new thread i gave up on them they are so Nasty there


M.A.S.C Club Member
Although a lot of us have some of the same thoughts about some previously mentioned forums, I dont think we should "bash" them. When new people come looking for more resources and other clubs/forums, I would hate to see them stumble upon this and think we are all a hateful and bias club/forum. In the end, we share a lot of common things and may cross paths in the future, so lets keep it some what civil. Talking about what "freedoms" and things we enjoy on this forum that others may not offer is one thing, but just going out and finding everything you can find wrong and making a list about them is a little wrong.


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Well Said Chad I fully agree let us look to the positives and for commonalities rather than fault. We should project a feeling of happiness as well as making all feel welcome. RC Mod's as as welcome here as any of you are. Regardless of what other forums do as that is what will separate them from us and through cooperation we as a club and as a forum will grow.

Be Safe
I was not trying to bash any one but i have to say i have had bad experiences on that sight as well as other not to be named.
With that said though i have to point out i have found tons of great info there as well.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I don't think we should stop anybody from expressing their bad experiences with other clubs or forums but I definitely think it shouldn't be in a manner to degrades or bashes the offending party. I mean we all make dumb decisions sometimes and sometimes we just got to deal with other peoples' mistakes. But like mark said it would be nice for us to grow with them and at some point find a commonality and partner for a better reefing community.


M.A.S.C Club Member
6. The Moderator

Taking a slightly subtler approach to making visitors feel unwelcome, the Moderator maintains an air of superiority as he bunkers down each day on a particular site's comment section or message board for another 16-hour stint as archivist-in-residence. He's the cool kid -- the site vet who's been around for a long time and knows what's what. Leave a message that repeats something someone else said 16 months ago, and he'll let you know about it within minutes.

"Um, yeah, Newbie0314, we talked about that back when NeverTouchedAWoman24 brought the subject up last May. But thanks for contributing, lol."

Treating the forum as his own private gated community, the (self-appointed) Moderator seems to have adopted as his personal philosophy the Pythonesque commandment "Every thread is precious." To keep each discussion safe and pure, he will treat any commenter who has fewer than 200 messages to his name as an undocumented invader who doesn't deserve a spot on his beloved forum. All of this, we assume, from the comfort of his parents' basement.