Reefers exaggerating?

I'm starting to think that reefers are exaggerating about aggressiveness of many corals. I have both a large frogspawn and a 2 polyp hammer coral in my tank, and I have yet to see the infamous "sweeper tentacles" that the two of them supposedly have. I have seen the candycane's super small tentacles, and the favia's 1inch long sweepers... but never the "scary" sweepers that all the "care" websites talk about.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Zooid;171732 said:
get a hollywood stunner chalice and you'll see the long sweepers......about 6" out of every eye
+1 pretty crazy when you have just a small frag and see the size of the sweepers!


M.A.S.C Club Member
Hmm I've got about 1" to 1.5" frag of hollywood stunner and haven't noticed then yet guess I'll start paying attention.

Haulin Oates

Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
My hammer coral colony will put out a couple of nice stingers in the evening. I'd say a good 4" further than normal. I'll try to get a picture tomorrow.

CRW Reef

Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
Hmmm while I know.nothing about Hollywood Stunners, I can say I have prob 50+ heads of various hammers and frogspawns and while I have seen sweepers I have never lost a coral because of a sting. Now.....the torches Kris keeps, those have freaking ruthless killer stingers :)


M.A.S.C Club Member
Hmm weird iv never seen sweepers from my Hollywood stunner somr.small ones from acans and candy canes but my hammers and frogspawn retract greatly at night


M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
Here is one happy bubble coral with multiple sweepers, some up to 6" long, most people don't think of bubbles having sweepers like that. Never kept the stunners but a lot of chalice type corals have long sweepers and of course the infamous galaxia coral I think beats them all!

I haven't noticed sweepers off of my Hammer, but my Galaxea will have sweepers up to 6" long, and it packs a punch too. I've lost a couple things from misjudging how close they are to the Galaxea.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
09bumblebee;171737 said:
Hmm I've got about 1" to 1.5" frag of hollywood stunner and haven't noticed then yet guess I'll start paying attention.
Came form my tank, youll see the sweepers, use a flashlight at night and look at the eyes. My colony shows them everynight.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Platinum Sponsor
Ive seen the hammer coral do it, never seen my frog spawn. The hammer coral has actually killed a couple SPS and now sits on a rock all by him self, the frog spawn is surrounded by other corals and has not given me one issue. My pocillipora on the other hand, I saw 6" sweepers coming off of him attacking a ORA pink digitata the other night but does not bother anything else in the vacinity, I wonder whats up with that?