Refugium Light


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
I have an old reptile fixture and i know i need a cfl bulb are there any that you all prefer to use i wanna make sure its good light for the algea.


Blue Whale
M.A.S.C Club Member
Re: Refugium Light

I like the warm white for my algae growing. You don't need a CFL, but it will help a little with the electricity.

Personally, I use a LED sump light. Just the cheap one at wally world


Sting ray
M.A.S.C Club Member
Refugium Light

I use CFL's in simple fixtures. My bulbs are a 75w equiv, which actually grows my chaeto a little too fast (it grows really fine), have to throw out about 1 packed gallon sized ziplock every month. If your reptile light is a clamp on, it will do well, but if its the type that has the bulb sideways in a mini canopy, get a clamp light. I had a hood style light over my small fuge with the exact same bulb as my bigger system, and didn't grow we'll at all. Not sure why, but changed over to a $5 clamp on cheapie, and all was back to normal.


Reef Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
mathewkofalk;237249 said:
how to you tell the K rating i looked in the past and hard a hard time telling also is higher or lower k rating better
I think you'll be fine with just about any CFL you can grab at a big-box store...most of those bulbs are in the 5000K - 8000K range and would grow algae just fine. Also...the accuracy of the printed Kelvin rating of those bulbs is a bit questionable, so I wouldn't worry much about the difference between a 5000K and 6500K bulb.


Staff member
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M.A.S.C. B.O.D.
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I get mine at Costco. Sold as natural lights CFL 75 watt equivalent that are 6500 K and they do a great job growing chaeto.