Hey all, Thought I would post up a couple of the things I'm bringing for those of you talkin CuC...
(* means I only have a couple right now but I do hope to get in my next shipment and have even more of a variety come this weekend)
(the rest i have anywheres from 50-300+ in stock right now

Currently I have:
Snails -
Nassarius (vibex i believe) - Sm
Nassarius, Tonga - md/lg
Ceriths - md-lg
Crabs -
Anemone (porcelian)*
Electric Orange Halloween
Blue Legged - nano sized! They are too cute at this size! lol
Red legged - sm/md
Peppermint Shrimp
Chocolate starfish*
Sand shifting starfish*
Tiger Cowrie*
Tuxedo Urchin*
I hope to get things like Nerites, more urchins, diff stars, misc lil critters you dont normally find, etc etc in before saturday.