I would be in somewhat support of the original law if it was 60 years ago and they did a better job with it. Who can really argue that brumese pythons taking over the everglades, zebra mussels wrecking our lakes and grass carp outeating all of the native fish is good? You can watch videos on YouTube of volitan lionfish swimming around in the Caribbean. Somewhere deep inside of us, I think that we all know that some level of protection might have been a good idea.
However, globalization already happened. Isn't this bill about 50 years too late? Maybe they should start working now on not bringing in stuff from the moon, The Forest Moon of Endor, whatever planets the aliens from Independence Day and Battleship were from and Planet Vulcan. I mean, isn't this what Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith take care of underneath of Manhattan? Aren't we covered here?