Well the basically has a sump behind the back wall with baffles so don't see a problem with bubbles getting in the display portion. Would it be unwise to run the airstone 24/7?
The idea is that when your lights are on the algae is producing oxygen and when the lights go off the o2 drops and co2 increases which lowers the ph. By increasing o2 on the off cycle of lights you prevent the ph swing. Like zombie said increasing alk helps to minimize the swing in pH.
You know I'm starting to feel confident about this. Thanks everyone! I also have a killer idea about hitch posts and decor! I'll post pictures if I pull the trigger.
There, my friend, is the reason you won the SCMAS DIY award! You always come up with creative ways to use everyday household items for unique aquarium inventions.
So I got the yasha refitted for my horses. This is a dream I've had for 8 years so I just designed the tank in a really fun way.
The horses are acclimating right now, fishing out the coral banded shrimp caused the skimmer to go haywire so they'll be in the bag for longer than I had planned but hopefully in the next two hours the micro bubbles will be gone.
Really hope these captive bred horses are forgiving and do well!
There just some plastic model ships I hit from hobby town. Only 15 dollars or so each, plus it was fun putting them together, even more fun punching holes and tearing them back apart
Yeah I dumped in a ton of cheato from my refugium and had it sitting in the nano for the last week to help seed it. However these guys are eating frozen like champs.
Updated: horses are so far so good ate dinner just fine.
The sunken ships are perfect hitch posts and a added plus is the little crows nests are perfect for feeding stations.
Night light, was going to place light under the ships and have the light shine through all the holes, but I completely forgot about the light until five minutes ago...
So I got the yasha refitted for my horses. This is a dream I've had for 8 years so I just designed the tank in a really fun way.
The horses are acclimating right now, fishing out the coral banded shrimp caused the skimmer to go haywire so they'll be in the bag for longer than I had planned but hopefully in the next two hours the micro bubbles will be gone.
Really hope these captive bred horses are forgiving and do well!
Agreed, the sunken ships is a sweet touch. As advice I would say keep up on your warer changes. I missed mine last week like a re re and had a pretty quick hair algae outbreak.
Yeah I agree about the Orange plant, I took a few plastic plants from another tank to block the outlet and slow down the flow. I'll get rid of the fake plants and put in more live rock piled up to slow down water flow.
I know I'm a day late to this party but here are some thoughts. I had a captive bred erectus seahorse in my 10G AIO tank. No skimmer, just a refugium chamber with some calpera and a Chemipure blue. No issues. Water changes once a month and topped off the water once a week. Did great for 8 months until 3 weeks ago. I tried keeping him with a much smaller wart skinned angler (he was about 4", the angler 3"). Angler finally decided to have a seahorse dinner. Not sure how he pulled it off but you could see the seahorse inside him for about a week before it digested. So, he'd still be going strong if not of being eaten. I won't be replacing him in that tank but I am adding a pair of kuda seahorse to my frag tank.
I know I'm a day late to this party but here are some thoughts. I had a captive bred erectus seahorse in my 10G AIO tank. No skimmer, just a refugium chamber with some calpera and a Chemipure blue. No issues. Water changes once a month and topped off the water once a week. Did great for 8 months until 3 weeks ago. I tried keeping him with a much smaller wart skinned angler (he was about 4", the angler 3"). Angler finally decided to have a seahorse dinner. Not sure how he pulled it off but you could see the seahorse inside him for about a week before it digested. So, he'd still be going strong if not of being eaten. I won't be replacing him in that tank but I am adding a pair of kuda seahorse to my frag tank.
I agree with the refugium, in my opinion it is one of the most important component of filtration. That's what's difficult for me with this nano. I normally would never setup a tank with a refugium...crossing my fingers