Seeking Volunteers for Reefstock - Feb 28 - Mar 2


M.A.S.C Club Member
Would you like to help out at Reefstock? We would love to hear from you. If you can volunteer for two 4 hour shifts, or one - two 8 hour days, please reach out.

We are looking for assistance during setup on these dates and times:
Friday, Noon - 8pm: Water delivery, organizational tasks, exhibitor move-in
Saturday, 9am-7pm: Registration, Product Showcase, Show Access, Digital Booth
Sunday, 10am - 4pm: Registration, Product Showcase, Show Access, Digital Booth,
Sunday, 4pm - 9pm: Water removal, exhibitor move-out, signage and registration pack out

As a volunteer you'll receive complimentary show access and select gifts from exhibitors. We will also hold a prize drawing for volunteers on Sunday (you don't need to work Sunday to qualify or be present to win).

If you have a teenager that needs some community service hours, this is a great opportunity and it's also fun!!

Drop me an email. rob at reef if you would like to assist.