Shane's JBJ 30g Rimless Mixed Reef (HD photo/video journal)

Hey guys, been quite a pleasure getting to know many of you here on the forums and in person; Definitely been a warm welcome to CO, thanks for that. My 120 build has been going quite well and I was missing the feel of a nano tank so I decided to set up a second tank! This is the first time I've ever run two tanks at once but I'm hoping I am able to keep up with both. Not too many specific ideas for this tank, gonna probably end up as a zoa heady mixed reef with a pair of nice clowns and a sunburst anemone. I am desperately trying to find a pair of Onyx Picasso clowns with the real dark black accents, if someone can help me out there. Anyway...back to the tank.

Specs are:
-JBJ 30RL rimless all in one tank
-Innovative Marine Nano Skimmer
-Kessil A360W LED with Kessil spectral controller
-Tunze Auto top off

Here's some pics. Only been set up about 5 days but took a lot of sand and rock from the 120g. Not expecting much of a cycle. Sorry pics are a little on the blue side, lights were ramping down their cycle. Let me know what you guys think!



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Looking good. Lots of craziness in there for only being up 5 days


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Wow looking really nice. Nothing can compare to that 120 though :)
Yeah i had a zoa nudi problem so ive been dipping and getting all the unaffected colonies into the small tank. I have had to deal with those damn things at least 3-4 times now in the last couple years...Really a pain to eradicate!


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They are at that, dont envy you there, thus why many of us go through such drastic dipping and QT regiments even for our corals
I wish i could set up a frag tank and a QT but the lady would kill me... Sure would give me peace of mind though!


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I just use a small 30g with a HOB filter and a heater with basic light. nothing special and only keep water in it when I have something for it. Works good for me
Yeah I'm looking into doing something similar. I think I'm going to set up a 10g Qt tank and a 10g refugium in the spare compartments in the 120g. I just dont know about how about how to plumb it down there. Could maybe use a hob overflow and maybe fit like a 15g refugium down there. I just dont know if the hob would work with the AIO setup or the back of the SR-120. Decisions...


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Well ... if the 120g tank wasnt already stocked I would recommend drilling a drain and return hole in the back glass for the refuge. You could then do a simple pipe on the back with a strainer filter set at the height you want, but since the tank is stocked a HOB may be your only option unless you setup a temp tank to take stuff out for a day or two while you get the holes drilled and setup.
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A HOB would be fine most of them are just gravity fed and im not sure how that would work with the water levels in the back compartment of my setup.
Grabbed them from an online vendor i had never tried before. Pacific East Aquaculture i think?
Updates..Sorry for crappy cell phone pics. I'll bust the real camera out soon. I want this to be mainly a zoa/ric specific tank

Anybody know any fish that would be good for killing zoa eating nudis? Been fighting these things for months! Anything other that yellow corris wrasse?