Skimmer thoughts


Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
I am toy with the idea of skimmers. First off I have asm g3 and I am running 220 plus 1/4 of a 40b for a sump. I know I don't need to upgrade yet but want to get ideas for the future. What do you guys think asm g4+,reef octopus, precision marine or cream of the crop deltec. Just thinking here at the moment.


Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
Bubble Magnus skimmers are super


Bat Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
If you want cream of the crop go with vertex alpha series


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I'd wait till you have more stock man. Once you start to fill that thang up I'd consider some sort of royal exclusive product. Your skimmer is a good one for the short to medium term. A year or more! IMHO


Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Oh i do think its good for a while I just know I am going to want another one. And I want to start working it into my budget lol.


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For entry level people seem to love the bubble magus. I like my cad lights and the reef octopus with a DC pump seems like a winner for the $500 range. I've never heard anyone do anything but rave about royal exclusive! Those are a bit much price wise unless used. I'd probably go for the reef octopus DC for high end performance with budget friendly price tag. I looked into another but can not think of what it was ATM.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I have a Octopus DC300 12" body running in my sump right next to a 12-15 year old EuroReef 12-2 12" body with the dual Sedra 5000 pumps. The ER 12-2 will out skim the Octopus. You can come by and see if you want. I do have a 8" body octopus with the Sicce pump and I have been impressed with it. I might suggest that you keep the G3 and if you need more skimmer, just get a second one... even RedDragon driven skimmers (which are awesome) are not as good as two skimmers in my sumps.


Tiger Shark
M.A.S.C Club Member
Ya I am not going to run two skimmers limited by space everyone seems to be liking the asm so maybe an upgrade in that area. I am going to to mess mod and gate mod when time comes to buy more time. Jda isnt precision marine the old euro reef.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I have a related question. (not to hijack, hopefully it helps)

I was running a Euro-Reef skimmer that is almost identicle size as a ASM G2. It was using a Sedra 3500. The impeller stopped spinning, and I picked up a ASM G2, with a Sedra 3500, and to simplify things, I threw the whole skimmer in my tank. I never really gave the Euro-Reef a chance to see how well it worked, but have always wondered if it was a better skimmer.

Does anyone have any opinions to which one is better?

FWIW - I am getting pretty dark, wet skim-mate, and need to empty once a week.


M.A.S.C Club Member
To give this thread a bump, and help expand my question:

My tank is a 105, with a 30 or so gal sump. I am currently running the ASM G2 with Sedra 3500 (stock). This replace the Euro-Reef that was almost identicle, just a tad bit different design. I ended up picking up a brand new cadlights 1120, and was going to use that, but it was suggested to me this past weekend that I sell all 3 skimmers and go and buy a BM Nac7. Looking at the Nac7, it looks pretty close to the cad lights 1120, and they are almost the same size.

Is there a big difference between these 4 skimmers? If so, what is everyone's opinions?


M.A.S.C Club Member
I would run both of them if you can. You will be able to see which is better. I personally don't think that there is much difference.

Are you strapped for room? If not, keep the pump on the outside and use the body of the skimmer for the air to bond with the organics in the chamber. Why the internal pump skimmer?

Sedra pumps were the standard and still to a point, IMO. Red Dragon is a better skimmer pump at quite a higher cost. The DC diablo that I have is not great, but I think that the 12" octopus body has too big of a neck - so I am not giving up. Atman is a Sedra rip off... so is Sicce, but the sicce is quieter. The venturi and impeller are basically the same for all of these except for the red dragon.

A similar body is going to be about the same with the same neck size, height and chamber diameter. The ones with the pump inside will have less reaction chamber and time.

The meshmod is kinda a waste of time... mine never performed any better with them, but others might disagree. I have some Enkamat if you want to try it, but they don't last as long as the standard needle, IMO, and are not worth the trouble. I think that you can do more by widening the hose barb on the venturi a milimemter, or whatever, with a drill bit.

Too much air, water or too fine of bubbles are not effective, so be careful of any of these.


Butterfly Fish
M.A.S.C Club Member
I ran an asm g3 for a couple years and loved it. Not the sexiest thing but good bang for your buck. Just upgraded to a g4 with sedra 9000 and so far havnt really seen a difference.


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asn-naso;269465 said:
Mike ?????

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4
Tunze hydrofoamer pump. 14 watts, quiet! And way more production than the 50 watt sedra when I ran it on my g3