I have a sponge that has grown very quickly in the last month. It started growing under my chalice around 5 months ago, but in the last month has more than doubled in size. A month ago it was about the same size as the chalice, and now more than double the size.
My appologies for the terrible photo, taken under incandescent light with phone, but it helps the discussion.
I have read a bit on the topic, and general concensus is that it's fairly common for a chalice and sponge to grow together and probably a good thing for the aquarium. I wanted to reach out to our community and ask for your opinion. Is it good or bad? Thank you in advance for any thoughts or suggestions.

My appologies for the terrible photo, taken under incandescent light with phone, but it helps the discussion.
I have read a bit on the topic, and general concensus is that it's fairly common for a chalice and sponge to grow together and probably a good thing for the aquarium. I wanted to reach out to our community and ask for your opinion. Is it good or bad? Thank you in advance for any thoughts or suggestions.