The DR.'s 215 build!!! Finally... :/


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The DR.'s 215 build!!! Finally... :/

Andrew_bram;255236 said:
No no he is not.
What? I had my under ware on. No one even called the cops this time. Lol

Any more skimmer opinions?


M.A.S.C Club Member
How much are you wanting to skim? I know that you have a Tahitian now, but do you see yourself as a multiple clam guy? Fuge? Water changes?

As I am sure that you know, the skimmer is all about the pump. That bubble king that I have has just an OK body, but the red dragon pumps are what makes it. The red dragon pumps on a old EuroReef skimmer body skims just as good as the on the bubble king body IMO. I have been pretty happy with the sicce skimmer pumps, but I also think that the sedra are fine for my needs.

Also, do you want quiet, effective or both?


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The DR.'s 215 build!!! Finally... :/

The skimmer I am thinking about is a 1st gen if that makes a difference..?

Nac looks good too but i'm really wanting super quiet.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Counter current with airstone and the air pump in the basement will be super quiet.

IME - the most noise comes from the water falling back out of the skimmer more than a pump like a aquabee, sicce, etc. or even a sedra as long as you use a silencer on the intake.


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The DR.'s 215 build!!! Finally... :/

Haddonisreef;255257 said:
Thought u just bought a skimmer a few mths ago?
I did, got the cad 1150 (the middle size cone) solid little skimmer but don't know if it'll do the 215 with 75 gallon sump. Plus that bubble king seems like a good deal... That's what I am weighing. If I do get it the cal will be for sale. Almost new.


M.A.S.C Club Member
You need to skim based on load-in and how much you want to take out... not water volume. Give the CAD a shot... it will certainly keep up for 6 months or a year until your tank is 100% jammed full. Skimmers are easy to change later on.

Just save room for a super-bad-*** skimmer.


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The DR.'s 215 build!!! Finally... :/

So Doug is the voice of reason... Anyone just think "man, gotta get that skimmer!" Lol


Tiger Shark
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The DR.'s 215 build!!! Finally... :/

I would wait. Cause when you get the new skimmer someone might say I thought that thing was rated for a 180 hunny.


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The DR.'s 215 build!!! Finally... :/

Andrew_bram;255292 said:
I would wait. Cause when you get the new skimmer someone might say I thought that thing was rated for a 180 hunny.
Lol! I think I'm going to wait. Still need some lights anyhow. But that skimmer is sexy! Grrrr

I think I am running my cadlights in a bit too mug water. I can play with that in the new build. Also goona drill the air intake a bit. I think it's a bit restricted.


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The DR.'s 215 build!!! Finally... :/

Maybe I'll put a red dragon pump on my asm. Hahaha


M.A.S.C Club Member
If you need more skimming, just run the ASM alongside the cad. I don't know if even the baddest skimmer would outskim 2 pretty good ones.

I would spend more on good lights than a good skimmer. Even cheap skimmers do OK... not sure that I feel that way about lights.


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The DR.'s 215 build!!! Finally... :/

Asm's are hard to beat for the price. I have a tunze hydrofoamer that turns the asm into a beast. i'll never sell that tunze, 13 watts of pure bubbles! Both skimmers do fit in the sump, just ugly. Lol

Goona run a variety of lighting. Sticking with the led but adding t5 full spectrum to help with the spectrum led's miss. Got really good quality ballasts and reflectors for them.


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The DR.'s 215 build!!! Finally... :/

I got a couple t5's wired in the hood today! Thanks Vince! @ great white. Upon putting them in I noticed that I have some diatom algae on the sand! So happy. Hoping to wrap up this build.

On another note, the price on that sexy skimmer has dropped to 450 shipped. Now I can not stop wondering if I should get it. Lol

Should have the plumbing finished tomorrow. Happy reefing.


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The DR.'s 215 build!!! Finally... :/

Andrew_bram;255526 said:
Buy it and just hope you don't get divorce papers.
Hahaha she loves my cute little but too much for that! Lol I think?