Yep he is all over the place now and seems real happy. I've had the trap in the tank the last 2 days and like you said, I could have trapped just about every fish but the one I want! Heck the Idol thinks it is its home, he is always in there! The anthias however hasn't warmed up to it yet, go figure.
Thanks! I just threw it together real quick with my android and vegas pro. I will probably take the time in the near future to make a quality video.
I love my clowns. I got them from Aquamart and they where in a tank with about 30 other clowns. I picked out the 2 most colorful ones in the tank and surprisingly he was able to net them in the chaos! The coloring is so good they almost look like true percs to me. They love their palys and are vary territorial of them. The clowns have black marks all over them from the paly stings. They need a bubble tip BAD.