UV, Vortech, Test Kits, Fish Trap.


Angel Fish
Just cleaning up the fish closet, and listing items that I’m no longer using.

Pentair 40W smart UV: $175
Nitrate test kits, brand new: $FREE
Vortech MP10 - Old, replace the bearings myself, now runs quiet, updated to QD & Wireless. : $100 OBO
Tankmatez bubble fish trap, works great but I now have 3/4” glass and the magnet won’t work on this glass thickness: $25

Pics below:

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Angel Fish
Vortech is sold.

Dropping the UV price to $150 (This unit is $500 new).

Fish trap $10

Slimskim: $30

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Angel Fish
UV sold, Aquamaxx dosing container sold.

Here is some pics of the DDR.

Also have a Vortech MP40 dry side only for sale: $25. If you can find a wet side and a controller, cheap way to get an MP40.. dry side was swapped for a version with the 16’ cable.

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I can use that dry side I have one that stalls out all the time


Angel Fish
The only thing left here is the fish trap, the skimmer, and the soda lime. Can bring to reef stock next week if anyone needs them?

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Angel Fish
1/2 container of soda lime (full new is $130). - $15
Fish trap $10

Slimskim: $25

Fish Trap: $10

Can bring these to ReefStock next weekend

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