Vertex alpha upgrade?

I'm just curious if anyone here runs a Vertex Alpha 170 or 200. Would like to know your thoughts and maybe get a small review because I am looking at these as a possible replacement for my current SRO. The faults and failings and such. Am just wondering if they are really worth the price which is the usual request I'm sure. I always hear/read good stuff about them so I figured I'd pose the question to the local community.

For a tank I'm running a 120rr with a 40 br for a sump. Medium bioload with a heavy focus on corals. Heavier sps stocking at about 2/3 and 1/3 lps, softies and such. Am looking to transition to a very heavy sps dominated reef.
So if anyone can give me some feedback I would truly appreciate it. I just want to make sure that I'm not looking to replace it after a year or two.


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I have never heard anyone complain about one! They are coming out with two new omegas as well. Super good build quality. Only the sicce pump bit they fabricated a custom volute. Maybe a good alternative for your size system with great quality. IMO size the skimmer for the stock you want to have... Sorry no real advice about the skimmer you are looking at.


M.A.S.C Club Member
Is that one with a Red Dragon skimmer? If so, they are very good.

If you are cash strapped, I can tell you that 2 pretty good skimmers will skim better than one really good one, so you might consider just adding a second skimmer if you have room to run two in the sump.
Thanks Doc. I will have to check those suggestions out.

jda123, I have gone with 2 skimmers before. I found that the better of the 2 did most of the work and the other sat idle for a lot of the time. I am sure I had enough organics to have them both full but for some reason it just didnt work for me. Plus I am a bit strapped for room. On this venture I am not too super concerned about the cash. I am just looking for a quality product with some longevity in service and customer satisfaction. I think we all are looking for that though.


M.A.S.C Club Member
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I know you were asking about the smaller models but I run 3 alpha 300's, one in my 500g tank at the shop and 2 others on a 1150g reef. Are they good skimmers, yes. Are they always in need of fine tuning, yes. If I had to do over again I would get an good Octopus of some sort and save the cash for corals.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I know that Longmont is like Canada to you, but if you ever want to stop by, I have all kind of skimmers running. If I have them, I am running them... Here is my take on all of them.

Octopus DC 300 - pretty new, skims pretty well at full pump speed (controllable), but not as good at lower speeds
ER 12-2 with Dual Sedra 5000 pumps - out skims the Octopus DC 300 on the same tank
8" Octopus with the older Sicce Pump - very good skimmer and probably my favorite for performance vs. price... always has a basket full of nasty junk
ASM G4 - oldie, but goodie and still skims very well
ER 8-2 - Same and the ASM G4, very good performace out of a 10 year old skimmer
Bubble King 250 - good skimmer, but the ER 8-2 and ASM G4 will outskim it when used together. Considering this skimmer is over $1.5K and you can get a G4 and ER for about 100-200 each, I would rather have the pair of the older skimmers if I have room (and I usually do).

I got a really good deal recently on the ER 12-2, but if I was buying another skimmer, I would be looking for the same one. I don't know if it is the dual pumps, the neck size or water/air ratio that they got right, but for a used skimmer this thing really performs. If I was buying new, I would get a 8" body Octopus since I think that the 12" body has too large of a neck.


M.A.S.C Club Member
I have run the 170 since its release. I don't really have anything to compare it to performance-wise, but I do know that I gave it a full cleaning this weekend and am dreading getting it dialed in again.