Congratulations! If this is their first nest, it's pretty likely that they will eat them. So don't stress. Now that they are laying this won't be the only time.
You need to figure out how you are going to get the babies out of your tank. That usually involves figuring out what night they hatch and using some sort of larval snagger.
You also need to set up someplace to raise the babies. For clowns you can get by with a 10 gal. I like it to be cycled before I try larvae. Other people just transfer over parent water. Your choice.
You need food for them. Best is copepods. Rotifers work as a first food, though, and are easier to keep. Start a culture now because you'll need a lot of them and you need to figure out how to harvest and all. RGComplete from Reed's is a really good rot food.