Okay this morning there was something seriously wrong with my tank so the first thing I did was start checking the water. Everything was fine until I tested for ammonia ( this is the first ammonia accident I've had happen to me) Anyways my ammonia is at 0.25 I'm guessing it is the ammonia because all the other parameters are fine. I know it's not super high but I'm sure it can cause some damage. I don't have time for a water change as I used all my water last night in one. I was reading online and looks like I might be using ammo lock. Is it any good? I have started water for a water change but my heater on it is Really bad and takes a couple hours to heat it. All my fish are breathing heavily I checked and checked and there is no sign of diseases. The only thing is that I won't bea le to go get ammo lock for about another hour. What do you guys think I should do. Or maybe even if it's not ammonia
Thanks in advance
Thanks in advance