I got this guy free on a piece of rock. It's soft and pink and seems sort of puffy. It has not moved from its perch since I stuck its little shard of rock into a dead coral to hold it steady in the current earlier in the week. I thought maybe it was an anemone since it came from a tank with RBTA's that had split, but it's still a lump after a few days. Is it possibly a RBTA? To give you some perspective, it is about 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch in length. It appears to be tucked in tighter sometimes than others. It's kind of loosely tucked like a comma when the lights first come on, like kind of drooping/hanging from its foot and then it's sort of puffed the rest of the day into a ball like the pic.
The longer I stare at it, the more it appears to be just on the verge of opening up, doing SOMETHING, and then I realize that's 10 minutes of my life I will never get back. Please tell me what the heck this lump of pink something is? I can't take the suspense anymore, lol.
Also, if you've got a minute, let me know if you think the last pic is ocellaris or true percs. I have gone back and forth on it and don't know anymore. One is a rich candy orange and the other is sort of a paler orange with tinges of black creeping in like he is fading to black? Meh, let me know what you think...
The longer I stare at it, the more it appears to be just on the verge of opening up, doing SOMETHING, and then I realize that's 10 minutes of my life I will never get back. Please tell me what the heck this lump of pink something is? I can't take the suspense anymore, lol.
Also, if you've got a minute, let me know if you think the last pic is ocellaris or true percs. I have gone back and forth on it and don't know anymore. One is a rich candy orange and the other is sort of a paler orange with tinges of black creeping in like he is fading to black? Meh, let me know what you think...